Book 2 - Chapter 14

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Jamie's eyes shot open as he heard the front door close downstairs. The room was dark now; the sky outside the windows was a murky black, polluted by the orange glow of the street lamps.

It was night time.

Jamie stayed where he was, sitting on the floor of Sam's room with his back against the door. He could hear two sets of lungs breathing slowly in and out, meaning everyone who would come in through the front door was already inside the room.

Slowly, Jamie pushed himself up, facing straight out into the room so that he could confirm with his own eyes that Jade and Sam were both sleeping. He walked over to Jade, taking care to step lightly so whoever was downstairs wouldn't hear. He placed a hand on Jade's shoulder and gently shook her. She grumbled incoherently, rubbed her eyes without opening them, then let her hand fall to her side and continued sleeping.

Jamie sighed, he couldn't shout because he'd be heard and he couldn't shake her too hard because then she'd shout and that would make a sound. So he did the only thing he could; he used his Power to influence her.

<Don't make a sound until I say it's okay> He paused for just long enough for the thought to seep into her subconscious, then he shook her.


She woke with a start, her eyes wide as she looked at him with a 'how dare you wake me' expression. She didn't speak though, and Jamie knew that she had no idea as to why she wasn't speaking; she simply wouldn't feel like it until he told her it was okay to.

<There's someone in the house, they're downstairs> he spoke into her head, stretching out his senses just far enough to tell that the intruder was now in the kitchen. <I need you to be awake in case they come up, while I'm down there>

She nodded her understanding. <Try to be quiet> he said, as he reached into her subconscious and pulled out the command he had left there earlier.

Jamie stood, made his way to the window, and—trusting that Jade could handle herself for a few minutes—opened it and climbed outside. Once he had himself perched on the window ledge, his body facing outwards, he jumped, giving himself enough of a push that he wouldn't hit into the wall on the way down. He landed—crouched—on his feet, shifting his weight to the top half of his body so as not to make a sound. He stayed low, looking up just enough that he could see in the window.

The lights were on inside, and he could see the living room. He moved to the far edge of the window, getting himself at the right angle to see into the house through the living room door. That was when he saw a man, youngish looking with blonde hair, walk through the hallway and up the stairs.

Jamie jumped to his feet, climbing up the side of the house as fast as he could. He pulled himself in through Sam's window. Jade grabbed onto his hand and helped him inside. "Anyone?" she whispered.

Jamie nodded his head moving towards the doorway. "He's coming upstairs." Jamie didn't know anything about other supernatural creatures, so he didn't know how to sense if someone was human or something else. He didn't know if the man had Magic and was here to hurt Sam, or if he was just a human who was trying to burglarise the house. Before Jamie had enough time to decide whether he would go at the man with his full force or not, there was a knock on the door.

Jamie froze at the sound of the noise. Confused as to why anyone who had broken into a house would bother to knock before entering. The doorknob turned and the door opened slowly, allowing light to spill in from the hallway. Without wasting time by figuring out what the man wanted Jamie pulled the door open and grabbed the man by the front of his coat, about to slam him to the ground when—to Jamie's surprise—the man fought back.

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