"Mom, they are not my in-laws. And this is not any garden or shopping mall that whenever they want they will pop up here. "Nandini gritted her teeth while her Mom glare at her.

"What should I do to you, Nandini? You can't talk about your in-laws like this.. you are 21 now. If you don't want to marry now when will you marry? At your age I already had your brother and you. And see yourself, you aren't married yet! I should have become a grandmother till now but no!. " Her mother said scolded her.

"Mom that because you were keen to get married and have child but I'm not interested in all this. " Her mother stared at her with look of disbelief.

"How ill-mannered you have become, Nandini? This is the way to talk to your Mom?" Her mom scolded her and she winced in pain when she twist her ears.

"Go and change quickly if you don't want me to slap you right now?" Her mom said and she looked at her dress which seemed fine to her.

"Urghh! Mom I'm not going to marry any random guy! I don't know him. " She sat on her bed with a huff.

"But I know him and his family. He is my best friend's son and I have seen his pictures too, he is so good looking and a perfect match for you. " Her mother said and her panicked start to rise in her body.

"Nandini you are wasting so many time. Go and get ready." Her mom said again and she groaned in frustration.

"Mom, I'm telling you if I don't like him then I'm going to reject him." Nandini said.

" You can but you have to say the reasons too. You can't reject him like that. " Asmita said.

"You aren't ready yet? Your in-laws and husband is here." Her younger brother Rishabh barged into her room and said.

"Who said that he is gonna be my husband! He is not yet ok!" Nandini said shooting daggers at him with her eyes.

"Well, who cares for your opinion? Mom and Dad already decided that he's gonna be the one you will marry though I didn't approve them but looking at him face to face, yeah he us handsome but of course not as handsome as me. " Her brother said with a stupid grin on his face.

"Oh! You son of a fool! Who needs your approval? Me and your dad knows what's best for you both, ok? And Nandini, please go and get ready quickly. " Her mom said and smacked Rishabh's head before she walked out of the room.


"Listen, Manik I'm telling you beforehand that if I heard any complaint from Nandini then you be prepared to face me at home. " Roshni whispered to Manik's ear and warned him.

"Mom, I'm not a kid ok and she is not any teacher of mine who will complaint to you about me. And if she did then tell me I'll show what's Manik Malhotra is. " Manik said murmuring earning a smack on his arms.

"Manik, speak nicely to her. " Roshni said strictly.

" Mom you are talking as if I don't know how to speak. " He whispered back getting more irritated.

" Of course you know how to speak like a stupid very well. But please don't act like a fool infront of her. " Roshni at first said sarcastically and then requested.

" Roshni, don't scold my son. My son is so handsome that she will say yes for sure, mark my words. After all he is gone after me." Navin said taking his son side.

"Hubby from which angle you are calling yourself handsome?" Roshni asked sarcastically.

"Biwi (wifey), I'm born handsome that's why you married me, right?" Navin asked.

"No, I was a fool to marry you and see I got fool sons like you. " Roshni said and Manik could sense that she is losing her temper.

"Ok, ok both of you cool down! I'll behave nice to her and talk to her nicely, ok mom. " Manik said with a fake smile on his face.

"You better be!" At last Roshni ended the topic threatening him.

"Roshni!" Asmita called her with happiness and excitement as she come downstairs and saw her bestie waiting for her in the hall.

"Asmita!" Both the best friend squealed in happiness and hugged each other. Both of them introduced their families to each other and talks about their college life and how much they had missed each other.

"I'll go and bring her. " Asmita excused herself and went to upstairs to bring Nandini down.

As soon as she opened the door of her room, she was amused to look at her daughter. In red anarkali dress and light make up she was looking like a doll.

" Oh! My daughter is looking so pretty. " With a smile, her mom said praising her beauty and Nandini was least interested in all this.

" Come downstairs, everyone is waiting for you." Asmita take her to the downstairs and Nandini was trying to find a ways to reject the guy.

"Nandini, wait a minute. " Asmita stopped her and sneakily take her to the kitchen.

"Now what happened?" Nandini asked looking at her Mom who was arranging tea cups on the tray with some biscuits.

"Take this." Asmita handed the tray to her and covered her head with the red dupatta.

"Now it's perfect. " Asmita said smiling.

"Mom, you should stop watching daily soaps. This is 21st century not 90's she's looking like a clown. " Her brother said Rishabh said teasing them which made him earning a slap on his arms.

"Why don't you both make me a boxing bag? You two always do this to me." Rishabh said pouting.

With her every step her mind was stopped working. Looking at her Mom's face, she was sure that this time she is serious and will get her married this time for sure.

"This is our lovely daughter, Nandini Murthy. " As soon as her mother introduced her with a cheerful tone, she lifted her eyes and met with the familiar pair of eyes, who was looking at her with shock all over his face.

Nandini's jaws hit the ground and looked at him with her widened eyes. In her worst of worst dream, she never thought herself getting married with Manik Malhotra, one of the biggest tycoon of Asia and the most handsome eligible bachelor of India. And the most biggest reality was that it's none other than her Monster alas her boss.

"You!" Both Manik and Nandini whispered in utter shock. And their families were also curious to see look on their face.

Nandini's face turned to crybaby thinking that she's going to get scolded at every step if by any chance she get married to me that too for lifetime.


A/N: Hello everyone! How are you all? Hope you all are doing amazing.

I was busy in my personal problems and I was also upset because in just few days almost 15 people unfollowed me 😭.

Anyways, you all will be happy to know that I'm going to write a new story on MANAN again. For now I'm just working on the characters sketch. Story name I haven't decided yet but you all will get to know soon.

Coming back to the chapter!!

How was it??

Nandini is like " Saiyaan nai dekha asa mein pani pani hogayi." 😂

Till next update stay safe and happy...😊

And don't forget to follow me 😊.

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