Part V: Will you ... ?

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Please tell me what you think. Love you xx SkyxNiall


*Nick's POV*

I haven't seen Tori in school for two weeks. I grew worried but she said that she was fine when I texted and called her.

Gus was equally worried. He wasn't even mad that his date got canceled. To be honest, I was relieved that they didn't go out together.

I seriously like Tori. It's crazy. I barely know her.

Penelope was still mad at me for breaking up with her.

Her friend, Heather, called me a bastard when I passed them in the hallways.

On saturday, I decided to call John to get Tori's address.

"What? Why would I give you her address?" He almost shouted.

"C'mon, John. She didn't attend school for two whole weeks. What if something happend?" I questioned him.

"Then ten servants would probably take care of her. Nick, you're thinking too much. I called Mr.Gibbson yesterday, he said that Tori is just tired. Don't sweat it." John assured me but I didn't feel the least better.

"But I am. C'mon." I almost begged.


"No, Nicholas. I told you, she's fine. Besides, it's a private Record. I'm not allowed to say it." He sighed. "Cut it out, okay? Gotta go. I might swing by later."


I entered the bookstore because thats where my feet took me.

Besides, my mom's birthday is coming up and that woman loves books, so why not swing in here anyway?

I roamed around a bit, ignoring some girls' stares and whisper around me.

When I hit the travel section, I explored each and every book.

"Hey." Tori's voice startled me so much, I dropped the thick book on my foot, making me groan in pain.

"Fuck!" I hissed.

I heard a faint laughter.

"Nick." Tori smiled and grabbed the book up from the floor.

"Holy shit, Victoria." Without thinking, I pulled her in my arms and hugged her tight.

"Whoa, Nick." She didn't pull away.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, keeping her at arms length.

"Of course I'm okay." She gave me a crooked smile and released herself from me. I watched her face.

Dark circles rounded her twinkling grey eyes, her skin was slightly paler and her hair seemed thinner but still a bit shiny and beautiful.

Hell, she looked beautiful.

Why did I even find her annoying?

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Tori joked.

"I did. You. Tori, you weren't in school for almost 3 weeks. What happend?" I leaned against the shelf behind me.

"I felt terrible. I even felt more terrible because I feel like I stood Gus up." She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and looked at me. "Was he mad?"

"Mad because you didn't answer us properly." I snorted.

She shrugged. "I did. I told you, I wasn't feeling well. Now I do."


"Yeah, so what's up? I thought the only thing you do is play football." She grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"I'n buying a gift for my mom." I explained. "She's turning 39 this year. What about you?"

"That's awfully sweet of you. I met up with Colin."

Colin. That god awful british guy.

"That's nice." My voice was tight and firm.

"Do you need help choosing a gift?" Tori blinked.

"No, not really. I might order something else or I'll just go to another bookstore." I answered.

"Oh. Okay." She kept her smile but her eyes were sad.

"What's wrong? You look different." I noticed as the two of us walked out of the store.

"Nothing's wrong, Nick. I just ... am really tired."

I gazed at her for a sec and then looked up. The sun was high in the sky again.

"Where's Colin?" I asked.

"He had to buy something. It might take a while."

"Good. I want to eat ice cream with you." I strode to the ice cream parlor a few feet away from us.

When I looked over my shoulders, Tori was smirking at me. "Is that how you ask girls out?"

"I didn't ask you out." Yet. "I just invited you."

She smirked some more. "Aha. Okay. Where's Penelope?"

"I don't know. Probably shopping. We broke up." I told her.

"Why? Weren't you guys the perfect couple?" Tori bent down to look at the flavours of the ice creams.

The fat man behind the glass smiled at us. "Si?"

"Three scoops of bubblegum ice cream with sprinkles please." Tori smiled at the man who smiled right back.

"I'll have the chocolate vanilla ice cream with chopped peanuts please." I took out my wallet and handed him the payment. I let him keep the change.

"We weren't suited for each other." I licked some of my ice cream while we sat down on one of the white tables outside the parlor.

"Not suited? Penelope is awesome." Tori argued.

I just steered away from that subject and just asked her about herself.

I found out that she was homeschooled until now, that she's interested in literature and photography and that she loves animals and children.

"You were amazing to the children in the hospital back then." I complimented her.

Tori's chin was covered with blue ice cream. "Thank you." She grinned. "So were you."

I handed her a napkin. "Do you like kids?"

"Sure. Who doesn't? They're sweet and innocent. Well,most of them." She laughed.

"Hey, what college do you plan attending?" I bit the last bits of my ice cream cone.

"Oh, well. I don't know. I hope I'll make it." Tori finished her ice cream and then wiped her mouth with the napkin.

"What do you mean? Your grades are excellent." I frowned.

"I don't know. We'll see." She smiled wider. Does her smile ever fade?

"Tori, will you-"

"Tori." Colin's voice made me a bit jump.

"Oh, Colin, hey." Tori hugged Colin and smiled at him.

The kind of smile that made me jealous.

"Nicholas." Colin greeted me formally. My chance of asking her out was gone. I just nodded and turned to Tori. She winked at me and then grinned. "Ex." She mouthed at me.

I shook my head but couldn't help but grin.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
A text from Gus.

"Penelope needs help!!!!! Emergency!!! Come over!!"



Guys! Comment and vote ❤  I love you to the moon and back.

Sorry for the bad grammar and stuff

Instagram: imbeyya
Twitter: SkyxNiall

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