Chapter 2: Comfort

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Mari POV:

"Miss? Are you alright?" The person asks.

I look up to see an cat like man standing right above me. He has cat ears, a tail, a mask surrounding he electric green eye, his hair is as bright as the sun, his skin is like gold. He probably thinks I'm crazy or something. I notice I'm just staring at him...god this is embarrassing I tried to speak to him without breaking down but it didn't go so well. After a second or two I bursted our into tears again. I tried to calm myself down but no good. I felt a hand on my back and looked up and our eyes met again. We was kneeled down siting next to me with a sad smile.

"What's wrong miss?" He asked again with sadness in his voice. I wiped my tears away and looked at him.

I know he was a stranger but I just had to tell someone it was hard keeping it in as it was, and even know I just met this man I feel like I can trust him si I told him

"M-my 2 year bf j-just b-broke up with me for some chick named l-Lila" I say as  few more of my tears escape my eyes. I looked at him and just looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wait did your boyfriend have red hair like a tomato and was his name Nathaniel?" He asked in curiosity. I looked at him in confusion. How did he know that?

" do you k-know?" I asked. But when I did his face expression turned sad he looked down at the ground.

"That girl Lila was my girlfriend" he said.

I was in shock my boyfriend..or should I say ex boyfriend left me for his ex this is such a surprise..

"O-oh..I'm so sorry" I said. He looks at me and gives me a soft smile.

"Why are you sorry, you did nothing wrong" he said. And I gave him a soft smile.

"That she hurt you. You seem like a really nice person" I say. And I could feel my checks turn a tiny pink.

"I'm sorry to, you also seem like a nice person" he said.

We both just sit there looking out at the ocean. I assume he must be heart broken too. But I gotta say talking to him made me feel better. Like I wasn't alone, like I could talk to someone and they completely understood the feelings I was going threw. I feel extremely bad for this cat man I mean he looks like a sweet person and nobody deserves to me cheated on. He turned and looked at me and smiled before speaking.

"There's more fish in the sea, just because our relationship didn't work out doesn't mean the rest won't" he said cheerfully.

He's right!! I shouldn't let him bring me down. I'll find someone else someone way better.

"Your right, by the way thank you for cheering me.." I say happily but I paused because I didn't even know this guys name. He read my mind because he was sticking out his hand with a smile.

"It's not a problem, by the way my name is chat noir, please call me chat for short " I take his hand and as soon as I give him my hand he brings it to his mouth and places a soft kiss on it.. My blush spreads from a tiny pink to a rose red. I take back my hand and shake my head and tell him my name.

"My names marinette.." I say sweetly. He looks at me and smiles.

"Marinette what a beautiful name" he says. And I could feel my cheeks turn pink I decide to give him a compliment too.

"T-thank you and you are ho-I mean handsome" I say flusterly (idk if that's a word but whatever).

"Thank you princess.. ahh I mean marinette. I giggled at him. And soon he started to laugh too.He's so funny, as we were laughing I was startled as I heard a huge thunder sound. I looked up at the skin and I was dark with rain clouds about to burst. I look back at chat and smile.

Life Is Full Of SurprisesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ