Chapter 4: New Friends

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*Still Mari's POV*


Alya my best friend in the whole wide world, who has had my back threw everything no matter what. She was practically my sister. was on my front porch with wide eyes wondering If I was ok. I haven't told her about nath yet and I didn't call her last night so that must be why she was worried about me.

"I'm so so so sorry alya, y-you see last night-" I was about to finish but alya spoke before I could.


I looked back at chat standing there confused I would be too If was him. I took his hand and looked back up at alya.

"Alya this is chat, chat this is alya my best friend" I said

"Hi" chat said sticking out his hand. Alya gave him an intense stare I could see the sweat forming on chats forehead. Alya is pretty scary sometimes, she turned her attention back at me and gave me a disappointed look.

"Marinette, what is wrong with you. Aren't your dating Nathaniel you can't just hop into bed with some other guy." Alya said

Part of me was offended that she would even assume that I would do something like that but I remembered she didn't even know that HE was the cheater not me. I sighed and looked at her.

"Alya.. it's not at all what it looks like.."

She rasied one brow looking confused

"Why don't you come inside and I'll explain everything" I said as I opened to the door allowing her to enter. She walked inside and headed to the living room chat and I were right behind her. We finally reached the living room and she sat down on the other couch as me and chat sat down on the other.

"Ok. Explain" Alya said and boy I did just that

45 minutes later

Alya sat there mouth wide in shock processing what chat and I said. We waited for her to say something I don't know what emotions are going threw alya's head right now. But I know one thing she must be Mad Alya was like a mother to me and I was like her child, so if anything happens to me she is right there to have my back.

"I. WILL. KILL. HIM !!" She said with pure anger

"Yea it's pretty messed up" I said Alya snapped her head towards me and chat. We both tensed up. Alya hardly ever gets mad but when she dose she like the devil.

"Oh Marinette.. I'm so sorry. And you too chat, y'all didn't deserve that at All..." Alya said with sadness in her voice.

Hearing Alya sadness made me sad, I hate seeing Alya upset she's the most caring person I've ever meet. Seeing her sad is a heart breaking sight.

"That's one of the reason why I didn't call you last night, I'm really sorry for that" I said she gave me a confused look

"One of the reasons? Than what's the other?" She said

"Chat was here and we confront each other" I said with a little bit of blush but shook it off. Not quick enough Alya saw and smirked

"Ohhhhh~" she said teasing me. I sent her a glare and she just giggled she looked at chat and smiled.

"Hello chat, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for confronting my best friend" she said

"It's no problem really" chat said

"I'm also sorry chat" alya said

"Yea it sucks but I'll be ok I mean it's better I know now than to be married to her" chat said alya gave him a sad smile but soon it was replaced with a wide one. Oh no she's up to something..

"You know what, screw Nathaniel and screw Lila. I say we should all go to the club tonight?" She said

"What No! No way!" I said

"Oh c'mon mari, if you think i'm gonna let you feel sorry for yourself when HE'S the one who lost the best thing her ever had than you clearly don't know me" Alya said

"But Alya-" I started but was soon interrupted

"NO BUTS!! Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you are an amazing person and if that ugly prick can't see that that he never deserved you in the first place. Don't waste anymore of your time on that jerk." Alya said

Alya spoke with such seriousness in her voice. I sighed and looked down, should I go? I don't wanna make her sad but I just don't think I'm ready for it. I felt something grab my hand I looked and saw it was chats, I looked up into his eyes and he was smiling.

"Mari I think Alya is right" chat said

Wait.. WHAT?! B-but he was also dumped. Why would he even want to go?

"Yes I know what your thinking why would I even consider this after I was dumped to. But what Alya said about wasting our time on them is right. Life is about living and having fun. When we all look back we're gonna wanna remember to the good memories. So I'm gonna go and I think you should come as well" chat said

I knew they were both right it's just hard to accept it. I had my whole future planned out with Nathaniel and he just dumped me, hurt me, used me. He moved on without a second thought and It just broke me. I really thought he cared about me but in the end I was wrong but Chat and Alya are right I shouldn't waste anymore time on that boy. I'm gonna go with my friends to the club!!

"Ok! Let's do it" I said proudly

Alya jumped up and started to dance I started to laugh along with chat. Tonight is all about fun I'm gonna forget my problems and have a great time tonight with my friends, people who actually care about me.

"YESSSS!! WERE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN" Alya said happily and she was right.

"Is it cool if one of my friends tag along?" Chat asked

"Yes of course the more the merrier" I said smiling at chat

Me and Chat needed this. We both had to move on, it was gonna hurt but in the end it will be worth it.

"How's 7:45pm sound guys?" Alya asked me and Chat

"Sounds alright to me. Also Me and my friend can pick y'all up and we can all drive there together" chat said

"I'm down" Alya said

"Me too" I said

Chat looked at the clock on my wall and stood up.

"I should get going" chat said.

I nodded and we all headed to the front door and Chat turned around facing us

"I'll see you girls tonight?" Said chats

"Yea, alya is gonna stay here with me so you and your friend can pick us up together." I said

"Ok. It was nice meeting you again Alya. And I'll see your tonight princess" chat said winking at me

I giggled and and opened the door for him. he walked out and I smiled and waved at him.

"See you tonight kitty" I shouted so he'd hear me

As Chat was walking away he turned around and blew me a kiss than continued to walk away.

My silly kitty I thought than closed the door.

Purrrrrr hope y'all like it !!

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