Chapter 14: A Thanksgiving Dinner Pt1

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Mari POV:
Chat left an hour ago, but I was still in my bed replying what had happened... I was showing Chat my dresses one thing led to another he was on top of me and we started to make out?!?! Omg omg omg?!?! How am I supposed to look him in the eye again? WAIT what am I gonna tell Alya?!?!

She can read me like a book she know if something off....omg my parents?! What Would they say? Well my dad likes Chat so it shouldn't be that bad. But my mom...oh boy I sit up to look at the time.


Dang tried flew by really fast. I hear some tapping I look over to my window and see that it raining pretty hard. My mind instantly went back over to Chat. I wonder if he's still coming to Dinner with me and my family. Oh well if he doesn't I'll understand....

But a small part of me hoped he'd come..

With Chat

Chat POV:
After I apologized I left. I didn't want to hear

'I'm sorry Chat but I don't feel the same way..."

That sentence brings fear to my body. I don't know what I was thinking, all I knew in that moment was that I wanted her lips so bad, I couldn't stop myself.
She must think I'm a total perv now that can't keep my hands to myself.

Should I still go to this dinner tonight? I ran my fingers threw my hair. Damn why is this so hard, I don't think i've  had a women on my brain so much in my life.

I arrived at my house and put my car in my garage. I turned off the engine and walking to the front door of my house. I opened the door and than shut it behind me. Something felt different the air gave off a weird vibe if I'm being completely honest.

I continued to walk into my house when I gasp at what or should I say who I saw.

"Lila? What the hell are you doing in my house, I told you to leave or I'd call the police." I said glaring at her

"Chat.. Baby I need your help...Nathan and I have been fighting for a couple days now, I'm worried he's gonna kick me out please you've got to help me"

"Now why the hell would I help you after everything you've done to Mari and I?" i said walking closer to her

"Mari? who the hell is Mari?"

"She the women who's boyfriend you stole" I said

"Oh the trash? Wait? Don't tell me that you and her??" she looked at me up and down and started to laugh

"I don't understand on why your laughing, I wish that I met her before I met you. So go ahead you can laugh all you want Lila but the truth is she is twice the women you are. Unlike her she doesn't have to act like she's innocent" I said

"So what your falling for her?!" Lila said. I could feel the angry off of her and frankly I couldn't care less

"You have no right to question what I do with who I do, You lost that right the second you left me for him...Now GET OUT. NOW?!"

"Chat please I need you...Please.." she started to cry and I couldn't help but feel some guilt.

"What do you want Lila?" I asked

"May I stay here for a few days..Please Chat" she asked pleading

"Lila, Look I'm sorry that you are going threw some things...But I can't let you stay here."

"Chat, you know me better than anyone please let me stay here for a couple nights. I'll sleep in the guest room."

"Fine, you can stay in the guest room for a couple nights, But after that Lila you must go."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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