C: Why'd he come after you?
J: Who knows.

I didn't take one bite out of my food, this whole week was bad. Penelope from yesterday and now today Leo is trying to literally kill me. I threw my food out and sat back down. Cleo and Lizzie left and Hope appeared out of no where.

H: You wanna tell me what that was all about?
J: I don't know what it was about.
H: You sure?
J: Yes I'm sure Hope, god just leave me alone.
H: I'd rather choose to stay.

She sat down next to me and I looked at her. I think this was the first time I looked up at anyone sense I've been at this table.

H: Leo is just mad that I rejected him.
J: I know.
H: Leo will get over it.
J: I don't know about that one.
H: Well then he'll just have to learn.

I see Hope look away for a second, I tried to follow her gaze but she stopped me from looking at anything other then her.

J: What's going on?
H: I gotta go, I'll see you after school like you wanted.

I looked at her confused and she got up. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me.

J: Where are you going?
H: Unfinished business that I have to attend to.
J: You aren't going anywhere until I know what this business is.
H: I guess I could just let Landon take care of it.
J: What's going on and why don't I know about it?
H: It doesn't really concern you.
J: Are you being serious? That's how you want to start shit?
H: No that's not what I meant.
J: God just making things worse.

Hope quickly sat down and took my free hand into her free hand. She looked into my eyes. I could get lost in her eyes forever.

H: That's not what I meant, at all. Okay? I'll tell you everything you want to know but I really have to take care of this. Can I go?
J: On one condition.
H: What is that?
J: You have to come right to me after you finish your unfinished business.
H: Like right after?
J: Mhm.
H: Alright, I'll do that. I promise.

I nod and she got up once again. I watched her leave the lunch room and she waved bye to me when she walked out. Cleo walked up to me and sat down next to me.

C: What was that?
J: What was what?
C: You guys just had some type of love thing going on in your eyes.
J: What? No. We are just friends.
C: "Just friends" my ass.
J: I'm being serious.

Penelope walked up to us and sat down by Cleo. Cleo turned around in her seat and gave Penelope the death glare.

P: I came to say that I'm sorry.
J: Okay?
P: I'm leaving for Belgium Friday.
J: School just started like last week.
P: Well I was going to leave either way. Which is why I broke up with you in the first place so Im sorry with that. I have to go, I'm gonna be with my mom packing for the rest of the evening and so on.
J: Okay, be safe.

Penelope nods and walks off, Cleo turned to look at me.

C: So where's Hope?
J: I don't know.

Hope's POV
Landon, Lizzie and I were all with Leo. In an empty classroom. Landon wanted to go straight into beating him up. Lizzie agreed with him but also wanted answers. I just wanted answers on why he hated Josie so much. Leo seemed frightened.

H: Why do you hate Josie so much?
Le: She literally stole you from me.
H: She didn't steal me from anyone. I'm not some prize that can be won over.
Le: I understand that.
L: Well obviously you don't if you literally have to pin my sister up against a fucking wall. Next time you do that, Hope won't be stopping me from beating your ass. Understand me?
Le: Yeah, Im sorry. I'll stop, my sister said that you should fight for who you want.
H: Who's your sister?
Le: Penelope.
L: That bitch. Leave Josie alone.

Walking Disaster- Hosie Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum