"Wow, my daughter is a great singer," RDJ says
"Thank you," I say stopping the song
"Who is it about," Samuel ask
"No - one," I ask giving scar liv's bottle since she was hungry
"It has to be about someone," Sebastian says
"Actually it doesn't, my music goes out to everyone who feels a connection to it," I say looking at my phone to see my brother calling.
"Hey, Sorry I have to take this," I say getting up walking into the corner
"Who is it?" Scar asks
"It's Brian," I say
>< >< >< Phone Conversation >< >< ><
Brian: Big Weirdo🤨
You: Lil Weirdo 😶

Big Weirdo🤨: Sup lil sis
Lil Weirdo😶: You do know your only 12 minutes older than me right?
Big Weirdo🤨: still an difference
Lil Weirdo😶: Whatever what did you call me for?
Big Weirdo🤨: You remember that girl that came out to her school and she kept getting bullied and her mom and dad contacted us.
Lil Weirdo😶: Wasn't her name Grace
Big Weirdo🤨: Yeah, they were wondering when can meet up?
Lil Weirdo😶: Why don't you invite them to me and scars private beach since we are going there on family weekend?
Big Weirdo🤨: Actually that's a great idea. I'll see you then and congrats on being the most award winning singer
Lil Weirdo😶: Thanks I see you then I love you bye big Weirdo.
Big Weirdo🤨: I love you too bye lil Weirdo

>< >< Phone Conversation Ended >< ><
I put my hair behind my ear and walking back to the group.
"What was that about?" Scar asks whispering
"You remember the girl I told you about a few weeks ago, Grace?," she nods and I continue "Well I was talking to Brian and told me how her parents wanted to meet up and I decided to invite them to our private beach and talk away from paparazzi and everyone on family weekend," I say.
"Why don't you invite some of your cast members?" I asks scar
"Are you sure?" She ask making sure I'm okay with it
"Yeah, it's family weekend and they are your family and I know some of them a free, so ask?" I tell her
"Everyone give me your attention please," She says making everyone goes quiet
"Thank you, Me and Y/n came up with an idea for everyone to get to know her better. We wanted to know if you guys wanted to join us and her brother family at our private beach?" She says smiling
Samuel says "I have work"
"I'm free," Sebastian says
"I'm free," Lizzie says
"I'm free," Zendaya says
"I'll be there," RDJ says
"I'm definitely coming," Tom Holland says
"Sorry, have work" Tom Hiddleston
"I'm coming," Jeremy says
"I'll be there, I'm saving you from having around too much testosterone," Brie says
"Offensive, but I'll be there," Evans says
"I'm coming." Anthony says
"I'll be there too, Can I bring my family," Chris H says and I nod.
"Sorry I also have work," Paul says
"Me, too I have work also," Mark says
"And that completely fine and for those who are coming I'll text you before we leave in the group chat to meet at our house tonight we have things planned throughout family weekend," Scar says
I smiled and looked at her lovingly.
"Ok stop, staring at me like that go back to your conversation you creepers," Scar says making everyone laugh

She comes back and sit next to me and I leaned my head on her shoulder, her free arm wrapped around me and my legs across her lap.

"I love you with all my heart," I whisper to her looking into her intoxicating eyes
"I love you even more," She says meeting my gaze
"Always," I say smiling
"And Forever" she finishes my sentences smiling
I kiss her arm that's wrapped around liv's body and she kisses my head as I put my arm behind her back snuggle more into her.

>< >< >< 12 minutes later 10:47 am >< >< ><
"Babe," I say
"Yeah?" She responds
"Do you want to order lunch and eat before I have to go home and get the house ready?" I say
"Yeah, do you have more milk pumped for Liv?" She asks
"Yeah, come on it should be in her bag..." I say getting off her and getting up as both of you walk back towards her trailer.

>< 10 minutes past & you are in the trailer ><

"What should we order?" Scar ask me while I'm feeding liv
"I'm really craving Chinese food. So take-out?" I ask her and she nods her head
"Yeah, me too," she orders "it should be here in 15- 20 minutes," I nod as I put liv's bottle down burping her.
"Where's Rose?" Scar asks out of no where
"I dropped her off at Brian's house for a play date with Alex and Alexis (Brian's fraternal twin daughter and son)and she wanted to sleep there so i let her and she coming home when we leave the beach." I say smiling
"Okay" she says as the girls of the cast walk in her trailer
"Hey guys," Scar says as I holding liv playing with her as she laughs
"Hey," they say at separate times
"What are you up to?" I ask
"Nothing, we were bored so we came in here." Brie says as she sit on the couch
I leaned over to Lizzie and asked "Hey, Are you okay. You seem anxious?"
"Ye - No I don't know my nerves are all over the place." She says

I hand her liv and she looks at me confused. "Trust me, hold her." I say and she finally gives and in a few minutes you can see her nerves fade away
"Hey, Y/n do you have Instagram?" Brie ask as she opens her phone.
Out of no where daya (Zendaya nickname) says "Nope she doesn't." Everyone turn to her.
"What I tried looking her up jeez," she says and everyone laughs
The laugh died down and Brie ask "Why don't you have it?"
I look at her thinking about the answer and says "I guess some reasons are because it's toxic or unhealthy to be worrying about what people think and sometimes I just don't care." I say shrugging and sitting with my legs crossed.
Someone knocks on the door.
"Mostly likely the food," Scar says and gets up getting it and coming back
"That's a lot of food than I expected," I say as I help her
"It isn't that much, plus they will most definitely eat some." She says and I laugh
"Definitely," Brie says and takes some food
"Uhm Y/n she feel asleep," Lizzie and I look at her shocked
"What?" Daya asks
"I'm shocked because she only goes to sleep if me or mama bear put her to sleep. I guess she likes you Lizzie," I say and she smiles
"You can put her in her car seat. Because after we eat I have to go." I say get a 2 cokes and 2 sprites.
"Aww why," Daya asks
"I have to go get groceries and cook dinner for everyone soon." I say and scar speaks up
"Ooh can you make your famous steak with your nana recipe Mac and cheese." She asks excitedly
"Sure, I think I still have her recipe book," I say as I start eating
"Yess," Scar says
"Is it really that good?" Lizzie asks
"Yes...yes it is. Plus with her family brewed wine. Perfection." She says
"Your family makes wine?!?!" Brie ask surprised
"Yeah, but scar favorite wine is the one I made. Simply because it's unique taste." I say look at her
"You brewed that?!" Scar ask surprises
"Yeah, it has my signature and name on every bottle but I told my family not to sell it in stores because I don't want to be apart of winery business." I say sipping my drink
"I guess we learn new things everyday." Daya says and everyone laughs
"I guess I will see everyone later at our house, I gotta go because I have a things to get done before everyone arrive." I say packing mine and liv's bags
"I'll be right back guys, I have to walk her back to the car because I'm pretty sure almost every paparazzi crew is outside waiting for her after this morning." Scar says
"Okay, be safe" Lizzie says


What is on our to do list?
What will happen next?
Longest chapter yet...
Will paparazzi create uncomfort?

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