Dawson nodded. "Alright, not another word," he agreed.

"Yo, bruh," Ryan called out from behind me. Dawson and I both turned to him. "What the hell was up with you out there? Levi made you look like a chump."

Dawson busted out laughing. My lips pursed as I glared at them both. "I'm not in the mood. I get it. I sucked. I'll handle it. It won't happen again."

I sat down on the bench as I untied my cleats, practically ripping the laces from the seams.

"Well, what has gotten your balls tied in a knot?" Ryan joked. "This is what I was telling you this morning, you need a woman. It will loosen you right up." Ryan's head turned as Dawson was almost doubled over in laughter now.

My fist itched to hit them both as I tossed my cleats in my locker and grabbed a towel to hit the showers.

"Colton doesn't get women." A voice echoed as it rounded the corner. My knuckles popped at how hard I was clenching them.

Dawson sobered from his humor and he and Ryan both stood up straight. You could feel the temperature in the room drop at all the hostility fixing to rain down on it.

"Caden." My lips thinned at the tall, dark haired figure now standing before me.

He smirked as he came to a stop in front of us. "He only knows how to take them from others. Isn't that right?"

"What did you just say to me?" I asked as I took a step toward him. "That's real rich coming from you."

Ryan's hand pressed into my shoulder, not in comfort but to hold me back.

"You really got some nerve. You're not even supposed to be here," Dawson fumed, eyes narrowed.

"I'm not staying, just passing through," Caden remarked as he stepped around me. Ryan's hand tightened on my shoulder.

"I caught your game." He smirked. "It's nice to see your potential is finally showcasing itself," he mocked.

Dawson's arm hit me in the chest before I could lay Caden's ass out on the cold, dusty tile.

"Get out!" Dawson raged. The rest of my teammates started heading over at the commotion we were causing.

My nails were digging into my palm. I shrugged off Ryan's hand. "At least I'm on a team." I bit back. "That is more than you will ever be able to say."

Caden seethed through his beady eyes as he took a step toward me. My body was humming with anticipation. The bones in my hand cracked with how tight strung I was. I could taste the rage in my mouth, on the brink of unleashing it on him.

Dawson's arm pushed him into the lockers. "Leave," he spat at Caden, "or I'll carry you out myself," Dawson promised.

His eyes glowered at me before he turned stiffly and walked out.

I exhaled roughly as my back all but collapsed against the lockers behind me.

"I don't know why you let him rile you up like that. You have a lot more on the line than he does. He is a piece of shit. Leave it at that and quit concerning yourself with him," Dawson said agitatedly.

"He pisses me off," I replied. It felt like my whole body was shaking. "More than either of you can imagine. You weren't there that day it went down. He feels like unfinished business."

"What is he doing here anyway? I didn't think he was allowed back on this campus?" Ryan asked.

I took a steadying breath and hoped my voice came out calmer. "He's not. But when your father is the dean I guess you can do whatever you want."

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