Chapter 1

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Emery's POV

If Kennedy poked me one more time to get my attention, she was going to get more than she bargained for. It was irritating the last nerve I had left.

I was already a nervous wreck. It was my first full day in college. I had been content the last three years with taking online classes part-time because it allowed me to learn from home and gave me more time in the mornings, which I desperately needed.

I had moved in with my aunt the summer before my senior year in high school and decided to home school myself to focus on my studies and less on trying to fit in at a new place. That was when I met Kennedy. Her mom worked with my aunt at the local pharmacy and Kennedy and I would hang out together during the days to pass the time.

I needed the extra hands and Kennedy had been great. She was so nurturing and welcoming, something I hadn't felt in a long time. She had been home-schooled her whole life and was what kept me sane as I tried to navigate my education on my own.

We stuck together, we graduated together, and we followed each other to college at Marshall University in Washington D.C.

Kennedy was loyal. She was smart. There was nothing she couldn't figure out, so when she came to me and said we should attend classes full-time in the fall and ditch the online avenue we had been on, I laughed.

We were both in our final year of getting our Bachelor's Degrees in Science. We were so close to finishing nursing school. Why change what was working so well?

I thought she was crazy and had finally lost it. She was usually so composed and intelligent but she was talking nonsense now. I shook my head. "Kennedy, no. Why would I do that? We have it so easy now. It's a breeze."

She huffed, propping her hands on her hips. "We already attend a few classes on campus to do our labs and we are interning at the hospital three days a week. This is no different."

"That is exactly my point. I am already working three shifts a week. Why would I want to go to school five days a week on top of that? I have enough on my plate as it is."

"Emery," she groaned pinching the bridge of her nose. "Why are you like this?"

I looked at her bright blue eyes dead-on. "You know why. And nothing is stopping you, Kennedy. You can attend all in-person classes. We will still see each other. We literally live together."

Her lips twitched.

"You know I would never go without you." She sighed as she sat beside me where I was sprawled out on the couch. "Hear me out okay. We both want to apply to Bridgepoint Harbor when we graduate. They're the best hospital on this side of the city and we want to be the best."

I nodded.

"Well don't you think every other nurse graduating with us this year is going to want the same thing? We need more on our resume than we attended online classes. We need recognition from our professors and to do that we are going to have to butter up some asses and suck up to some teachers."

"Kennedy, we are both on the Dean's list already." I tried to reason with her. "We are two of the top students in class. We've done enough."

"Other students will do more. It's not just about the grades; it's how we handle people. What do you think it says about us that we avoid them by doing online classes? Marshall University hands out recognition awards at the end of every semester for excellence and achievement given by the Dean himself. He never sees us which explains why we never win. We need to apply ourselves to even get our foot in the door." She took a deep breath and took my hand. "I know you trust me so you need to trust me on this."

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