Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino: Sweet and Savory

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Ichiro then turned his nose down at him and scoffed, ignoring his presence and letting the young silver-haired boy deal with it. As his second in command, the boy was already prone towards handling such matters, not that he understood why it was his king was in such a rush to leave. Then again, he was still quite young and shielded from such intimate matters. Thus, he was only told by Presley that he was tending to another duty of his; producing an heir. Though he raised an eyebrow at it, the coral-haired male was not prepared to explain it to him. It was taboo to tell him anyway, the boy's position forbidding such knowledge.

As the silvery-blue monarch stormed through the halls with a foul temper, servants bowed and chuckled. While he may have been incredibly intimidating as a ruler and quite strict with his rules, he was no more than a puppy. In fact, the servants who tended to the (h/c) haired girl were quite aware of his needy state. He would cling to her after his work for the night was finished and lay in her lap with adoration.

Then again, the male knew he wasn't in the mood for something so sweet. Rather, he had a taste for something savory. Throwing open the doors to his chambers, a wide smile spread from red dusted cheek to cheek. He felt himself greatly aroused by the sight, a shaky sigh slipping past his wetted lips. The male wanted nothing more than to grab her and throw her to the bed in order to ravish her. There, in front of him was the most tempting of sights.

(Y/n) sat on the edge of the bed with brightened cheeks, embarrassed by what she was wearing. The male started from the black high heels she wore, trailing his eyes up the form-fitting leggings squeezing her legs. The way they popped out at the top and exposed just a bit of skin made him bite his lip as did the sight of her near bare hips. The black lace outfit clung to her waist and accentuated her breasts which she tried to cover as best as possible. Her shy expression was made all the more alluring by the sight of lace bunny ears resting on her head.

The male moved across the room in order to grab onto her cheeks and push her onto the bed as he engaged her in a passionate kiss. He moaned loudly, displaying his undying love for her and the taste of her body. It was always like that, the bluenette completely responsive to her body and unable to hide his addiction. That being said, he always gave back what he received tenfold.

"Ah, (Y/n)," the male groaned, his eyes sparkling as he looked up at her, "Where did you manage to get this? I...ah! Love it!"

The bluenette admired the sight of the bunny uniform on the girl. She was so timid, shying away from him with small whimpers of embarrassment. If he placed his hand on her thigh, she flinched and blushed a bright red. If he traced her waist, she gave a small moan and closed her eyes tightly. And if he attacked her neck with loving kisses, she held tightly onto his back, almost clawing at him. It all drove him wild.

With the younger girl looking so vulnerable and ready to ravage, he almost couldn't hold himself back. He shook with delight, licking his lips before beginning to turn his attention to running his tongue along her bare skin. Wherever it peeked up beyond the form-fitting outfit, the male fastened himself to it, wanting to taste more and more. His hands wandered as well, grabbing and teasing her skin with the lightest of caresses.

"So, it's not weird?" the younger girl finally questioned, holding onto the male's hand.

"Weird? No, not at all! This is a super welcome surprise," the male sighed, resting himself in the girl's hand, "but...you know, it could be better."

The (h/c) haired girl gave a curious expression making the male blush. To have someone that wanted only to please him was a much more welcome change. He was the first on her mind, just as he wanted to be, and her attentive nature helped him through the much-needed reforms he was putting his kingdom through. Though he tried to give more than he got, he couldn't resist taking advantage of the half-naked young lady in front of him.

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