Chapter 37 - Rokudaime Hokage

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"Tsunade and I have considered multiple candidates among the younger generations. The three who proved to be most ideal would be Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha, and Uzumaki Naruto. Shikamaru however showed no interest in becoming Hokage when we talked to him. He said it was 'troublesome', and he added that he would rather become the Hokage's advisor, counselor, and strategian. Which in my opinion, would be much more beneficial as well. Sasuke Uchiha would have sufficed due to his intelligence, experience, and skills. However, he has betrayed Konoha and remains unfound to this day. So Uzumaki Naruto is our remaining option, and a very good one at that. He is incredibly powerful, he has a strong will, a good heart, and more willpower and determination than I ever thought possible in a person. Not to mention that he is also the son of our fourth Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze, and many villagers already see him as a hero."

"You conveniently left out the fact that he is responsible for thousands of Konoha's shinobi and civilians deaths," Homura added spitefully.

Kakashi tried his very best to remain calm and steady his voice. "This is a false accusation. Naruto and the Kyuubi remain two different beings to this day. The demon fox is sealed in him. True. But he is not influencing Naruto in any way. The boy remains himself, only with the ability to call upon great powers when he feels it is necessary. For example to save Konoha from Pain's attacks recently. Or have you conveniently forgotten his aid in that incident Homura-sama." Kakashi replied calmly.

The older man gave the silver-haired shinobi a stern look before nodding ever so slightly.

Danzo however, lost control of his anger as Kakashi's arguments became more and more dangerous for his own claim. "So, if I'm to understand correctly. We will let a gay perverted disgraced teacher become Hokage, only to let him pass on the title to his equally perverted and gay student, who on top of that is a demon-vessel who has been bothering Konoha's officials with childish pranks for over seventeen years! Your entire claim is outrageous Hatake! Thanks to you and that demon you call a boyfriend, we will appear weak and ridiculous to all our neighboring countries. What will our allies say!" Danzo retorted loudly.

The whole room fell silent as all eyes were drawn to the silver-haired shinobi and Danzo. Tsunade had a furious look on her face but remained silent as well. Kakashi felt anger rising up inside of him, but nonetheless, he remained fully in control of himself and his emotions.

Kakashi looked straight into Danzo's eye. "Be careful. Danzo-sama." Was all he replied politely.

The older man raised from his chair angrily. "Is that a threat Hatake!?"

"Merely a suggestion. I wouldn't want your words to lead to regret." The Jonin replied calmly.

Danzo swallowed heavily, as Kakashi's Sharingan began spinning wildly. Nobody in the small office had missed the smell of lightning filling the air together with the Jonin's killing intent.

The two Root- ANBU members standing behind Danzo began to shuffle their feet nervously.

"Fine," Danzo said eerily.

Tsunade quickly stepped in before more conflict would arise. "The council members and I will consult with each other now on the result of today's meeting. We will decide on a candidate most suitable for the position within three days. You're all dismissed for now. Thank you for coming."

Kakashi stood up and sauntered towards the exit, not even bothering with giving any recognition to the challenging look Danzo was giving him.

"So how did it go?" Naruto asked him.

Kakashi looked at his overly-excited lover and sighed wearily. "Fine, I guess. Tsunade and I made some good arguments. Only this jerk named Danzo seemed to really be opposed to our ideas. We'll know more in three days."

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