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        You know those days when you sit there, laying in bed, and you feel like you can't make a move to get up and you just want to lay there and sleep and do absolutely nothing as you procrastinate your day away?

Well this was one of them.

You groaned, stuffing the pillow over your face as you laid on your dirty mattress, the sunlight irritatingly filtering through the curtains as if attempting to woo you out of bed with not so helpful methods. Today you felt tired, unwillful, as if a chain had been ensnared around your heart, pulling you down to the earth.

You felt heavy and suddenly unmotivated. What was your life all for? What kind of life were you even living, sleeping in a rundown apartment in the worst city imaginable, barely getting buy and drowning in school debt. Why were you even going to college in the first place when you couldn't afford it?

Why were you alive when you didn't have any friends? Nobody to depend on, nobody to talk to. You chuckled dryly under your breath. You were so pathetic.

Inhaling deeply, you let out a sigh. Right. You wanted to at least live to see your favorite manga and anime come to an end. Ha, what a shitty motivation to keep you going.

Letting your breathing slow, you forced yourself to relax. Time to go back to sleep, you supposed. It probably wasn't even a minute when the door slammed open and you could hear (and feel) the angry stomps that were coming towards you. No doubt that it was Noodles.

The footsteps came to a stop at the foot of the bed, and you irritably threw off the pillow to hit him in the face. He swiftly caught it in his hands (the pillow wasn't even going to hit him in the face anyways), but you felt your body stiffen at the unfamiliar look on his face. He didn't seem angry like you had expected him to be, or even condescending.

In fact, he seemed to be... remorseful? His facial features looked a little strained as he watched you, eyes flickering around the room and back to you.

"What?" you spat out irritably. "If you have something to say then say it."

"You live... is this your room?" The question left his lips as he stared at you in disbelief and pity.

Perhaps most people didn't live on a shitty mattress with no bed frame. Perhaps most people didn't have to deal with leaks in the roof of their home, and maybe they didn't need to deal with the paint peeling off their walls or the mildew. But they didn't live in the situation that you did. They were all privileged enough to not be able to.

But you had worked hard, schooling, work; you battled all that stress and this is what you got.

So yes, maybe it was a little unfair, but life wasn't all happy like in most shoujo manga. And this happened to be the life you were living. At least you had a roof over your head, at least you were still fortunate enough to be able to have all this. You didn't want to feel his pity. Especially not after he tormented you for the past few days.

"Fuck you. If that's all you have to say, then get out," you growled.

He averted his eyes to the window, his lips forming a thin line as he examined your room once again. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, with that placid expression on his face. It wasn't like his usual attitudes where he was trying to get a rise out of you, or attempting to intimidate you. So it was weird to see him all quiet all of a sudden.

"I was..." His voice came out soft, before he seemed to grab his bearings as his voice came out harsher. "I was going to drag your sorry ass out of bed. It's fucking one o' clock in the afternoon, and you expect me to let you laze around while you have practically nothing in your fridge?!"

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