All of a sudden, Yoongi pulled Jimin into his arms, hugging him tight.

"I'm sorry...."

Jimin sighed. "What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry for pushing you into marrying Taehyung"

Jimin pushed him off. "What? You didn't force me into anything. If I didn't love Taehyung, there's no way I would have married him"

"So you are serious about him?"

Jimin was confused. "Of course I am. What are you thinking?"

Yoongi suddenly grabbed his hand tightly causing Jimin to panic a bit.


"What about us?"

Jimin gave him a pointed look.

"Have you really forgotten about me?"

Jimin was shocked. "What are you talking about? You're confusing me"

Yoongi scoffed. "I'm's just recently it has been crossing my mind that I made a big mistake leaving you for your brother"

Jimin frowned. "Yoongi stop saying such things"

"But it's true. If I had known that Jungkook was a two timer, I never should have chased after him"

Jimin frowned. "It's too late now. You got what you bargained for. You have to live with it"

He snatched his hand away. "I don't care what you think. None of it matters to me. I'm not the Jimin you used to know. I have changed and I have moved on. My greatest happiness is that you left me for my brother. If you hadn't, I never would have fallen for Taehyung and discovered what true love really feels like. So in a way....thank you"

He started to leave but Yoongi grabbed his hand. His face looked pale. "I'm sorry Jimin. Please don't leave me"

"Yoongi let go of me. I have no idea what has gotten into you. If you don't leave me, I'm going to punch you in the face"

Yoongi held on. "I don't want to"

"Didn't you hear him? Let him go" A voice sounded in front of him. They looked up and saw Taehyung fuming with anger as his eyes focused on Yoongi's hand which was holding tightly onto Jimin's elbow.

Seeing Yoongi wasn't about to let go, Taehyung marched forward and dragged Jimin off him them stared angrily at Yoongi.

"Don't you dare come near Jimin again"

"Angry? I think it's not a big deal that I try to touch your man when you've been having an affair with my husband. Tit for tat." He grinned

Taehyung wanted to speak but Jimin stopped him.

"Let's just leave Tae. There's no need explaining yourself to him"

Taehyung growled and turned to him looking worried. "Are you okay?"

Jimin nodded. "I'm fine. Let's just get out of here"

With one last look at Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin left. Jungkook was astounded when he saw the two leaving the house without even a single goodbye. Yoongi appeared looking forlorn.

"Yeobo, what happened"

Yoongi glared at him harshly. "It's all your fault" He whispered. "Just stay away from me today. I don't want to see your face"

After saying that, he walked away  leaving Jungkook in a state of anger. In the car while they were driving away from the Mins, Jimin shook his head.

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