Falling Over- Jamila x Thiago

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Requested by: Yuilesmollbeanuwu

Jamila's POV

I walked down the hallway to English class. I really, really don't want to be late for this, because we have a quiz today! I was up half the night with my big brother, Mason, studying. Winter break is just on the rise and we're all done with school. But of course, stupid Mrs. Hoffman has to assign an English quiz. 

As I headed past the Math room, I collided with somebody and I fell to the ground on my ankle. I tried to get up, but tears stung my eyes and it's kind of hard to see when your eyes have basically become miniature oceans. Might as well add little scuba divers to my pupils. 

" Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" said a male voice. 

" Y-yes, I'm f-fine," I managed to stammer in my tiny, squeaky voice. 

" Are you sure?" asked the voice, kneeling down, looking concerned. 

The voice was Brazilian, with dark gelled hair and warm brown skin. He wore a plain white t-shirt and a pair of simple jeans. The voice was Thiago Santos, my friend's science partner. 

" How many fingers am I holding up?" he asked, holding up three warm brown fingers. 

" T-three?" I managed, tears falling down my face. This is so embarrassing. 

" No," he smiled, showing me the thumb he was hiding behind his palm. " Four." 

I started to sniffle. 

" Hey," he said softly. " You'll be okay." He put his comforting Thiago arm around me. 

I was still crying. 

" Do you want to go to the nurse? Are you bleeding?" he asked, taking my hand and squeezing it tight (not so tight, just to comfort her). 

I noticed a small bleeding cut on my ankle and sniffled. 

He held my hand the whole time he helped me up and walked me back down the stairs. He held my hand the whole time he knocked on the nurse's door and explained what happened. He held my hand the whole time the nurse called me "honey" and put a Band-Aid on me. He held my hand the whole time he walked me to English and wished me luck on my exam. And then- only then- did he let go and leave me at the door. 

And I knew what kind of person Thiago was. 

Thiago was the type of person to walk you to the nurse's office and hold your hand when you were hurt. And that was a person I could love easily. 

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