Dancing- Alex x Lara

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Before we start, just wanna give a huge thank you to Laratheflicker_fan for requesting this ship! 

Lara's POV 

" Zahrah and Cactus, Nikolai and Jordan, Lara and Alex..." droned my PE teacher. 

My name is Lara, and my PE teacher decided that because of Valentine's Day, we're going to dance with each other. It's dumb, isn't it? I like dancing by myself. But here's my teacher, making me dance with some random emo I don't even know. I hate this, and I didn't even start yet! 

I have long pink hair and big green eyes. Boys liked me as friends, but not in love. That would be so weird. I don't want to do this! My friend, Zahrah, reached out and squeezed my shoulder. She got her crush, Cactus, so I knew Zahrah would love it. But I would not, thank you. 

" Alright, get to know your partner!" called my PE teacher. 

I made my way over to Alex. He was wearing a black tucked-in shirt with a print of a forest over a purple and black striped undershirt, black ripped jeans and white shoes. He also has short black spiked hair and warm honey-nougat skin. 

" Hi, I'm Alex," he smiled. 

" I know that. I'm Lara," I said stiffly. 

" I know that too," said Alex. 

" Are you trying to mess with me?" I asked. 

" Why would I be, Princess?" smirked Alex. I scowled. 

(I'm so sorry, I've always seen Alex as a guy who would try to flirt with girls) 

" Don't you dare " Princess" me!" I snapped. 

" Okay, okay," said Alex. " Chill out-" 

" Start the box step, everyone!" called my PE teacher. 

Alex held his arms out to me, but there was a minor problem. 

" I don't know how to dance," I said. 

" I can teach you," he smiled. 

" Okay." 

" So, we're going to make a box with our feet. See? One, two, three, four," he said. 

It wasn't hard, and Alex was a good teacher. I liked this side of Alex. He was calm and repeated himself if needed. He made you feel like no matter what you did, it was always right. It would always fit. And that feeling felt good. 

Pretty soon, I got the hang of it. We were dancing, together, with Alex counting quietly. Everyone else was dancing, but I felt like they were watching us. I rested my head on his chest. It was relaxing. 

" You don't need to count anymore," I told him. 

But he counted anyway. 

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