Economy Class- Nikolai x Mateo

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Before we start, just wanna give a huge thank you to xXxwhy_whyxX for requesting this ship! 

Mateo's POV 

I walked through the crowded airport, trying not to push people to get to my flight on time. I was so excited because I was headed to Florida to see my favorite cousins! I'd daydreamed for months about the restaurants and pools and beaches we'd go to while I was there for THREE. WHOLE. MONTHS. Three months with the best people in the world. 

Sorry if I sound too excited about this trip. My name is Mateo Brown, and I live in a small apartment with nobody. My parents live in New York and basically hate me for reasons that remain unclear, but I'm okay with it. 

I started using my cousins' last name after my parents kicked me out of the house. My real last name is Miller, but I refuse to let anyone use that name. After my parents kicked me out, it was horrible. I lived on the streets. I used the last of my money to write a letter to my cousins, begging for help. And they didn't just help me, they saved me. They sent me one million dollars because they're multi-billionaires and didn't mind giving me some. 

I saved up enough money to go visit them. I'm so excited! I bought a plane ticket, seat 5A in economy class. I didn't bother with the first class. Too posh for my taste, thank you. I waited at the gate for a little while until they started boarding. 

Nikolai's POV 

I grumbled to myself as I sat down in the seat at my gate. This dumb exchange trip was so stupid! I'm supposed to go to Florida for some stupid school, but I plan on ditching once I get off the plane. I'll move to Florida and start my life fresh. 

I stare at my ticket. Seat 5B in economy class. I'm glad my parents didn't put me in first class, where all of the fancy brats go.

(No offense to anyone who's ever ridden in first class) 

I board the plane and go to my seat. Some other passenger is already there. He has brown hair, blue eyes, and a gray jean jacket with a peach-colored hoodie underneath.  He was really cute, but I don't say so. He was looking around excitedly. 

I put my bag in the overhead bin and sat down in my seat. The guy is staring out the window, smiling brightly. I didn't know how anyone could be so cheerful. Well, maybe he was going somewhere better than I was. Maybe he was going on vacation or something. 

" Hi!" he smiled. 

" Hey," I said coolly, but I could feel my cheeks go on fire. 

" My name's Mateo!" he said. " What's yours?" 

" Nikolai," I said lazily. 

" Nice to meet you, Nikolai! Why are you going to Florida?" Mateo asked. His eyes shone. 

" Well, I'm going to an exchange school. What about you?" I asked. I could feel my annoyed vibes melting away. 

" I'm visiting my cousins. Alicia, Jordan, and Alec," he said. 

Those sounded like good names. 

" Nice," I said. 

Suddenly, the plane started taking off. Mateo instantly turned white and grabbed his armrests tightly. His fingers were three shades whiter than milk. He shook. I felt awful and felt like I needed to do something to make him feel better. 

So I reached out and held his hand. He noticed but didn't pull away. So I just sat there, holding his hand, for the rest of the plane ride. 

Guys, I'm running out of requests to do, so feel free to give me requests if you have any! I'd love to do it for you! I want to make sure you guys love the content that I'm doing :)

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