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I then open to Hayes'

(1) Wru?👀
(3)I'm bored
(4) buy me 🌟💴💵💷💶 pls
(5) Get me Java chip
(6) I'm gonna text like Andrea bc she ratchet in 3...2...1 GO: Guuuuurl wt u doin bitch?
(7) I don't fu wt u
(8) I like dat song bc y not?
(9) OMG, like! Do you know Hayes Grier? Like omg!! Soooo HOOOOOT!!!!!! I can't! I think I'm gonna faint!
(10)He is WAYYYYYYYY! Hotter than Nash Grier! Like, in a scale of 1 to 500?? Like OMG! Totes 501!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!
(11) I CANNOT!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘💪💪💕💕💕💕💕😳🙆🙆

I open Michael's
(1) Ash, you know what tacos do to u? Becuz I have no idea.
(2) I feel like poo should be canned. I don't know why
(3) shit. Sorry Heather! I meant to send this to Ashton!

Heather's POV:
Okay, I really wanted to text back to Michael, but that would cost a lot of money.

I turned my phone off and put it in my bag, I realized that my drink was already served, and the guy was waiting for my payment. "Are you the DJ's friend?" The bartender asked me. "Yeah" I replied

"That would only cost twenty dollars please. Twenty percent discount." He informs me.

"I'll pay for her" A low voice says. I look beside me to see a tall muscular guy with an extremely amazing jaw line.

God, people with extremely amazing jaw lines make me die.

"No. It's okay, I can pay" I tell him declining his offer.

"Wait a minute." I say pausing to examine his face a bit longer.

I know that it sounds super creepy, but this guy looks so familiar.

"Oh my God! Parker!!" I scream welcoming him to a hug.

"Well, it took you a long time to realize." he says chuckling hugging me back.

"How have you been? Oh, I forgot, congrats on the Oscar." I tell him hugging him once again. "It's amazing. It's just that I have been so distant to my family"

"I'm sorry." I tell him putting my hand on his shoulder "how about you? Your dancing?" He asks me making a few dancing moves. "Same old same old" I tell him shrugging

"Damn. It's been so long and it just feels so good to see you now." He tells me smiling showing off his perfect white teeth, and his piercing eyes. I hated the fact that his eyes were perfect, more perfect than Nash's eyes. Even though his eyes were just brown.

They have an amazing spark to them.

His body now perfectly tanned and muscular, how his jeans and white t-shirt fit him perfectly. He turned from being the 'normal skinny kid' (Parker's words) to 'the worlds hottest boy'

"Well, same to you. Here I am talking to an A-lister Hollywood singer and actor that is best friends with Ryan Secrest, that has worked in a movie with Brad Pitt, spent his birthday with A-listers." I say admiring the fact that my best friend was here right in front of me.

"And here I am, just the same old Heather who's dancing career didn't take up that high. Who's brothers are still the same old annoying people. In fact, I don't even think they're human. My hair got longer. That's it" I tell him laughing a bit.

"Hey uh- do you uh- wanna go out tomorrow?" Parker asks me sending me that killer smile that I've seen on bill boards.

"I'm sorry Parker, I'm not sure. I can text you" I tell him bringing my phone out of my bag.

"Uh-sure. My number is, ***********" Parker tells me looking at my phone.

"I-uh Par-"

"You need me to put it for you." Parker says cutting me off, grabbing my phone softly.

"Pshh.. I didn't need you to" I tell him trying to not make the obvious seen. He looks at me in a you-were-so-obvious kind of look.

"I was that obvious?" I ask him, he nods giving me my phone back.

As soon as he gives me my phone back, a notification pops up.

@luke_is_a_penguin posted a picture

I didn't want to look at it now. It's probably one of those times when he just posts useless ones.

"Can I get two please?" Parker asks the bartender holding up two fingers.

The bartender nods and gets two small shots, "who's this for?" I ask pointing to the one Parker didn't drink. "It's for you" he says taking up what he just drank

"How do you do that?" I ask him

"Do what?" He asks dumbfound. "Drink it like its nothing!" I say shocked.

"Just try it!" Park says pushing the drink to me

"Park, you know I don't drink shots! They're the strongest ones!" I tell him pushing the drink to him.

"Oh come one Heather bear" He says, I chuckle being reminded of what he would always used to call me.

"Fine Parky Darky." I say drinking the shot. "Ughh, this is so strong" I groan scrunching my face

Parker cracks up pointing to my face. "You meany!" I say pouting.

"I'm ok no-" before Parker could finish what he was saying, Cameron came up to me. "Hey, poopsy doodle doo! You look familiar!" Cam says slurring.

I laugh putting my right hand on his right shoulder. "Are you okay?" I ask laughing once again "how many have you drank?" I ask wiping a tear on my cheek.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Parker asks me laughing "No, he's Nash's best friend" I tell him

"Hey! You're that Parking Adamsi Foxy dude right?" He asks Parker stumbling a bit. "Actually, it's Parker Adams Fox" Parker says

"I really like poodles" Cam says still stumbling once again. "Okay I need to take you home, where's Matt?" I ask Cam

"Huh? Mr. Poodles!" Cam yells, as if he actually had a poodle. "Park? Can you handle Cam for now? I just have to look for Matt." I ask Parker hoping hoping for a yes

"Yeah, sure." Parker says, "Thank you so much! I'll be back in a minute!" I say now trying to find Matt.

"Matt!" I scream through the blasting music hoping he wasn't drunk as Cam and that he could hear me.

I soon see Matt on the dance floor dancing alone. Okay, I don't even know if he's dancing. He's just looking everywhere making his shoulders constantly go up and down while he's feet are going up and down a little.

Would you call that dancing?

I grab Matts arm dragging him out of the dance floor.

Hi! So you might be wondering. "J! Who is this Parker Adams Fox?"

Well!! He is

JUSTIN BEIBER! (I'm sorry of I didn't spell it right. I really don't know where the 'I' goes. is it after the first E? Or the second E? Or before! I don't know! I'm sorry)





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