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Recap: Just a second after that I heard a knock on my door. I stand up and peek through the small thing where you can see the person outside.

It was someone that I never expected.


Heathers POV:
As I lean on the door, sliding my back on the door, my butt reaching the ground hugging my body with my arms as my head rests on my knees. I can't believe he's actually doing this.

For the hundredth time, a knock is once again heard. "What do you want?" I ask my voice a bit hoarse.

Taylor's POV: (did you expect it😏?)
"What do you want?" Heathers voice a bit hoarse.

"I want to apologize!" I say a bit loud but not too loud because we're in a hotel.

"I've heard that line before? How many times from you? Well it's definitely not more than 5." she says laughing a bit.

"Look, why don't you want to let me in? Don't you have a boyfriend?" I ask pressing my ear to the door. "it's not like I'm gonna do anything to you."

"Slut." I say covering it with a cough.

Immediately, she opens the door.

"Why are you calling yourself?" She asks with one tear on her cheek. Heather is always been known for awesome comebacks. She will not stop until she wins.

Not this time.

"I don't want to have this argument with you." I say backing up a bit.

"Well you're the one that started it. Oh wait, you didn't because you called yourself"

"Let's see how many shits I give, two? Oh fuck, they flew away." I say wiggling my fingers in the air imitating birds that just flew away."

"Bullcrap. We both know that you got that from me" she says crossing her arms.

"Me?" I ask pointing to my chest.

"Can I ask you a question?" She says raising her eyebrow. "How does it feel being annoying?"

"I-uhhh. I don--- uhh" I stutter.

"Hah, got ya" she says laughing. I laugh back

As the laughing sesh ends, we look at each other. "I miss this. I miss you" I say scratching the back of my neck.

Her smile turns into a frown "I- I- I'm sorry, I just can't do this right now." She says closing the door softly.

"The fuck Taylor? You can't just tell a girl you miss them when you cheated on them more than five times! What the hell is wrong with you?"

I go back to my room with Aaron which is about 4 rooms away from Nash's and Heather's .

I get the card from my pocket and slide it to where you need to. "Hey bro, what happened?" Aaron asks me sitting down in his bed.

"I effed up man, I just told her that I miss her." I say flopping down my bed. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

"She just need time man." he says picking up his phone that was currently ringing.

"Hey, Nash invited us to the beach. You up?" He asks

"Is Heather gonna be there?" I ask closing my eyes.

"Lemme ask Nash" he says.

After a few seconds he sat down "yeah." he says simply and goes straight to the bathroom.

I release a long sigh before getting up. I walk to my luggage where my clothes are all spread out.

I pick up my basketball shorts and put them on while I get a plain white t-shirt.

I walk to the cabinet where I put my bandanas in and grab my "we cool man." bandana


I pick up my penny board and walk to the sand. "Hey man, I'll go get some food wanna come?" Aaron asks checking his wallet.

"Nah man, thanks though." I say looking around.

With that, he waved goodbye and penny board to chipotle. I didn't know there was chipotle in Miami.

"VOLLEYBALL!" I heard a familiar voice scream, I turn my head and see Gilinsky run to the volleyball court.

And from the corner of my eye. I can see Heather and a guy laughing while eating ice cream.

"Bro, wanna join?" Gilinsky asks me throwing the volleyball up in the air.

"Sure man." I say putting my penny board where Hayes and some chick are sitting.

I looked at the other team which was Johnson, Carter, Matt, Shawn, Mahogany

Ours was Gilinsky, Me, Nash, Aaron. I didn't notice that he was here already.

"Gilinsky, why are we only four while they're five?" I ask

"Because we can beat them. Duh" he says making a 'duh' face and tone. I couldn't help but put my focus on Heather and that other guy. "Bro, who's that dude?" I ask Nash pointing to the guy with Heather.

"Luke." He says focusing in the game, the Luke dude seemed okay. Blonde, Blue eyes, lip piercing. The more I looked at this guy, the more I think I know him. He looks so familiar.

Heather put a bit of ice cream on his cheek as she laughed, Luke pouted and pointed to his cheek. Heather then kissed his cheek. Ugh.

He pouted once again and Heather then kissed him in the lips.

Ok, I'm not ready to see my ex kiss someone else yet.

Hayes' POV:
"Wakeeeeee uppppppp!" Heather says shaking me. "Ushdjsnsjdjsjsjsjxns NOW GO AWAY" I groan. "Madison is here." She says.

Of course, I immediately get up and go straight to the bathroom.

Heathers POV:
"Madison is here" I say wiggling his body. Immediately he gets up and goes straight to the bathroom.

I miss the days where he would ask me to cuddle with him because he misses his sister. I'm not going to lie, I am quite jealous of Madison because Hayes spends most of his time with me.

The truth is, I spend more time with Hayes rather than Nash because let's be real, we have had quite a long story together. Yes, we are not blood related, but paper. It just so happens

that Nash and I have the same eyes and look alike. Hayes and I would always have movie nights, ice cream dates, I would always be with my little brother. One thing is that people are all wrong about Madison, she is the sweetest person ever.

People are just mistaken because Madison used to be bullied like me. She would then always care about her looks and what she wears. That's only because she cares what people think about her.

Now that people are calling her a 'slut' Hayes tells me that she sometimes cries herself to sleep. That's why I love Madison.


Hola, sorry for not updating. Again, wifi is not an everyday thing for me.

Teaser: What will Taylor's behavior be when Luke boy is always around?


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