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Heathers POV:
After having the talk with Nash, I checked my phone to see what time it was. 7:53 p.m

"Missy, what do you want for dinner?" Nash asks me

"Honestly, I'm actually pretty tired. Can I just skip?" I ask yawning and leaning my head on Luke's shoulder. I didn't even realize he was right beside me.

"Sure, but someone has to go with you back to the hotel." he tells me

"Nash, I'm 18 not 5" I tell him rolling my eyes.

"I'll go with you." Luke tells me wrapping an arm around my waist

"No, I basically dragged you here this morning and you didn't get enough rest or breakfast. Go get some dinner with them" I tell Luke looking at him, his cheek facing me.

"It's alright." he tells me now facing me. I observed his face. His eyes were tired and he looked really sleepy.

I gave him a pouty face sticking my bottom lip out. He does the same and I don't want to loose this time.

It seems like this has gone for hours because everyone was watching us amused while Mahogany and Cam were taking pictures or videoing us.

"Fine!" I tell him giving up while he yells a 'yes' throwing his arms in the air.

"You know, you could've not gone with me." I tell Luke walking our fingers intertwined.

"Why wouldn't I?" Luke asks me "you're my girlfriend" he says kissing my cheek.

"Shorty" he mumbles smirking. I gasp and playfully hit his arm "Ow!" He says rubbing the spot I hit. "I'm not short" I mumble now letting go of my hand from his turning to the other side crossing my arms to my chest

"I'm sorry." he says childishly wrapping both his arms around me kissing my cheek. I turn my head to the other side ignoring him.

By surprise, he turns me around kissing me. "I'm sorry" he says now serious. I smile kissing him once again. Interrupted by a coughs, and that's with an S. We see the boys there.

"Why do they always catch us in these kinds of moments?" Luke whispers in my ear. "I don't know" I tell him laughing a bit.

"So, we were actually on our way back" Nash says "Then we caught you" Matt continues his eyebrows going up and down.

"Shut up Matt, lets just go" I tell him sending a death glare. "But I didn't say anyt-" he says as soon as I cut him off. "I said shut up". I know say hugging Luke.

Heather's POV:

"Wake up!" I hear a voice say shaking me. I groan turning my body to the left side to avoid the light that was coming from the window.

"Heaths!" I hear someone call me by my hated nickname. Well, I'm the only one who hates it actually, but still.

I groan because there are only two people in the world that call me Heaths.

Hayes and Mahogany. From what I'm smelling, it's Mahogany because Hayes smells horrible in mornings, and I would usually be the one to wake him up, he also gets sassy like Skylynn.

"What!" I yell. "Woah there, no need to be grumpy" Mahogany says. "Well, my plan is to go shopping, then go to the club." She asks me as I now uncover myself from the white comfy hotel blankets.

I look at her my left eyebrow up, she looks at me and nods her head smiling.

"You're lucky I care" I tell her groaning, "I'll wait here. You get an hour to get ready" she says checking her watch. "You know me" I tell her shaking my head.

I walk over to my suitcase getting a white top that says fuck, high wasted shorts, and a pair of white high heels.

I walk inside my bathroom putting my clothes on the hanger and enter the shower.


I walk out of the shower and wrap the towel around my body.

I get the clothes I was going to wear and put them on. I get the hair dryer dry my hair of course.

After 20 minutes, my hair is fully dried, I curl the ends of my hair just to give an effect.

For my makeup, I just put on some light foundation, eyeliner, mascara and a hot pink lipstick.

"Mags, I'll just get my stuff" I tell her getting my heels and put them on.

I get my phone and wallet putting them inside my bag.


"Nash, I'll be out with Mags" I tell him getting my salad from the counter table. "Out where?" He asks

"Shopping" I lie. Well it's not really a lie because I will actually go shopping, but then. I didn't want to tell him that I was going to the club.

"And?" He asks me now pouring water into his glass.

"That's it" I tell him my stomach twirling. He rolled his eyes as if he knew I was lying.

"You can go to the club, just don't even think about drinking more than two" he tells me in a serious look.

"I wasn't even going" I tell him in a I-have-no-idea-what-you're-saying face.

"Heather" he warns. "Fine! I'm actually going to the club with Mags because she's going to DJ there, and plus she gets to bring one friend for free." I tell him.

"How'd you even know?" I ask him my left eyebrow raised.

"You're wearing heels." he says pointing to my feet, "and you're also bring your slippers"

"That's what you bring and those are the kind of things you wear."

I sigh heading towards Mahogany's car.

"Hey, Cam, Matt and Luke is coming. You alright with that?" She asks me checking her phone.

"As long as we still go shopping." I tell her smiling cheekily. "Don't tell them yet." she says in a 'hushed' voice.

"We are here" Matt says in a royal like way. "The King is here." Cam says in a British accent.

"Too bad the Queen isn't" I say looking back at them. Matt was in the left window side, while Luke was in the middle, and Cam in the right window side.

"Are you okay with being in the middle?" I ask Luke looking concerned because he dislikes the middle seat.

"As long as you're here" Luke says smiling. "You're so cheesy" I roll my eyes at him.

"But you love it." he says getting closer to my face. "I don't" I tell him smirking. "Yes you do" he says getting closer.

"Maybe I do" I say getting closer. He also comes closer and I give him a quick peck.

"Alright love birds, lets go before anything inappropriate happens" Mahogany says breaking us up, starting the engine.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I'm sorry because I end chapters badly! But I promise that I'll do better because this is more of a filler😔





Starting Over // MagCon StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang