Old Adventures: Uncles?

Start from the beginning

With the pillows separating Ace and Irin, Ace actually managed to fall asleep. He slept extremely well that night, better than he did in a long time.


'What's this?' Irin thought as she slowly awakened. There was something that was on her. She laid on her sides with her arms sprawled across the bed but there was a third arm... There was a fourth arm too...

Her body rested atop one of the arms which was wrapped around her while the other arm rested over her body.

She moved her head to look at her lower body, someone's leg was sprawled over hers. The pinkette then craned her neck to see who was the owner of these arms and legs, it was none other than Ace.

So much for the pillows to separate the two... He ended up clinging onto her instead of the other way around...

Soft snores were elicited from Ace as he slept comfortably, hugging Irin. She was just the right temperature for him. Although he would never admit it, he thought she was nice to hug, after all, he ended up hugging her in his sleep.

Irin attempted to break free from Ace's hold without waking him but, alas, she failed. She grimaced at the fact that she was stuck under his arm which wrapped around her right below her face. The pinkette then blushed when she realised that Ace was wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. Sure, she was used to him being shirtless and all but this was completely unprecedented.

He had never held her so close and for so long. To top it off he was half naked.

She squirmed in his hold as she tried to pry his hands off but that only resulted in Ace hugging her tighter. He pulled her even closer to him, her back completely pressed against his chest. "Eek!" she squeaked at his sudden movements.

In this case she was the tiny spoon while he was the big spoon.

"Ace..." she whispered, tapping on his hand gently to get him to let go.

The freckled ravenette moved a little as he snaked his leg around her, ultimately hugging her tighter.

Irin flinched as he tightened his hold around her small physique, she wasn't that small. In fact she was of average height (but in the one piece world she's smol smol), the pinkette stood at 168 centimetres but next to Ace, who was 185 centimetres tall, she did look a little tiny.

Ace's body easily towered over her and, as of that moment, she almost looked like a puppy sleeping next to a grown wolf.

Irin whispered again, but this time louder, "Ace...!" she tapped his arm once more, "Let go...!"

As expected, Ace was still fast asleep with his arms around her. She groaned from the lack of response from the freckled man and squirmed around in his hold.

"Get. Off. Me...!" she said as she tried to pry his arm and leg off her body.

His hold on her loosened from her constant squirming and, right at that moment, Irin reached her arm out, attempting to break free from him but, sadly failed. The pinkette groaned as her body fell limp in disappointment that she had failed to escape from him. Her arm then accidentally hit the bowl of water which Ace had left there after he 'treated' her hands and it fell off the nightstand, eliciting a loud clunk on the ground as the water spilled out of the bowl.

She flinched at the loud sound, craning her neck to see what had happened but was unable to because Ace had prevented her from doing so by tightening his hold which was once loosened. "Ugh!" Irin groaned as her head fell back on the bed.

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