Chapter 12: A Second Kiss?

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"Would I... Kiss you again?" You reply to the blonde boy while being flustered.

"Yeah." He replies.

"I don't really know Takumi. You see I don't wanna hurt Soma. Or you if I kiss any of you guys a second time." You explain.

"Yeah okay. I understand. But how I feel if I made the move." He says while walking towards you and grabbing your chin.

"I... I wouldn't be mad. I just-" You said before melting into a kiss with Takumi.

Kissing him it went on for a while. While kissing Takumi you tilt your head and to deepen the kiss and puts you hand on his face.

After a while you pull away and you two look at each other. "Well that was..." You say while starting a conversation. "Nice?" Takumi finishes your sentence.

"Yeah... That kiss wasn't so bad. I liked it." You reply to the blonde boy.

"Really?" He asks in shock.

"Yeah. But either way I should still tell Soma about the moment we had. I don't want to hurt him." You say with a guilty face.

"Okay (y/n) I understand. Do whatever you want." Takumi says with a smile on his face.

"Thank you Takumi." You say while smiling back at him.

While you and Takumi were talking you hear the door open. You look to the side and you two see Isami in front you. "Hey. How's the new dish going?" Isami says to start a conversation.

"Oh yeah it's going really well. (Y/n) just tasted it a while ago." Takumi says while walking back to the stove.

"Really? So (y/n) how did it taste?" Isami asks while looking at you.

"Oh it tasted delicious as usual." You reply to the younger twin with a smile.

While you were talking to the Aldini brothers you decided to head back to your afternoon classes. While having Takumi walk with you to your next class.

When you make it to the room that your going to have class in you immediately go into a change room to put on your chefs outfit.

You make it to class and you see Soma at his station. Before the teacher walks in the classroom you walk up to Soma to talk to him about your kiss with Takumi. While walking up to him Soma notices you. "Oh hey (y/n) your here!" Soma says.

"Hey Soma." You reply with a cheerful smile while walking up to him.

"How was lunch? I didn't see you anywhere. Where were you?" The redhead asks.

"Oh I was with Takumi trying out a new dish he was trying to make." You reply to Soma trying to answer his question. "Oh speaking of Takumi can we talk after class?" You ask to Soma after answering his question.

"Yeah sure. You can just tell right now since the teacher isn't here yet." Soma replies.

"Yeah but, Soma we have school right now. And class is about to start."

"Okay. Just don't forget to tell me later." Soma replies with a smile.

While waiting for class to start. The teacher still hasn't shown up to the classroom yet. Before the teacher showed up give you, Soma, and everyone else a lecture Soma was staring at you while you weren't looking.

While you weren't looking, before you knew it the redhead kissed you on the cheek. Soma's lips felt so soft on your cheek that feeling his lips on your face made you feel flustered.

Right after when Soma kissed you on the cheek, the teacher walked into the classroom. Not knowing the fact that you got kisses by the redheaded chef. When the teacher finally got into the classroom, he apologized for being to class and he got started on the lecture.

You and Soma were paired up with the assignment that was given. You two were the first one's to finish the dish and cleaned up you station.

After the class you had with Soma and finishing the classes you had for the day. You and Soma decide to walk back to Polar Star Dormitory together. That was when you were going to tell him about the second kiss you had with Takumi. But before you and Soma could talk about the thing that just happened you two were already talking about being members of the Ten. "So yeah Erina is being very harsh about the paperwork I've been given." Soma says while in the conversation.

"Well yeah Soma. It's part of being a member of the Ten. You'll get used to it eventually." You say while trying to calm him down.

"But out of everything (y/n) I did the best I could with all of the paperwork I'm given. Out if everything I just wanna cook. And to top it all off. Your the women I wanna cook for. That's why I'm doing my best." Soma says proudly to your face.

After hearing him say that you stop taking more steps. "Soma! There's something I need to tell you." You say while having tears in your eyes.

"(Y/n)... Why are you crying? If you have something to say to me. Just say it." Soma says while walking up to you and padding your head.

"While I was taste testing Takumi's new dish we..." You say not wanting to finish your sentence.

"You did what?" Soma replies.

"...kissed..." You say finishing the sentence you just started.

Before you knew it Soma grabbed your chin and slammed his lips on to yours. Kissing your lips with so much emotion. You decide to kiss him back. The kiss lasted a few more seconds until you hear Erina's voice calling out Soma's name on behind you two. "Soma!" Erina calls out.

"Erina!" Soma yells out Erina's name in shock.

"Soma! What are you doing here? You still have a lot of paperwork to finish! You know what I said?! If you don't finish your paperwork I'm cancelling the Shokugeki between you and Takumi!" Erina says angrily.

"Okay fine Erina. I'll go back to the office." Soma says while sighing.

"It's okay Soma. Just do your best. And Erina I'm so sorry that you had to see me and Soma like this. It won't happen again." You say to both of them. "And Soma... I'm sorry about me kissing me Takumi behind your back." You say with your head down.

"It's okay (y/n). Just make a good decision about who you want to be with." Soma replies with a smile and leaves with Erina back to his office.

While Soma was walking with Erina back to the office you decided to walk to the office. But while walking to your dorm building you hear a certain voice calling your name from behind you. "(Y/n)?" Takumi calls out  your name.

"Takumi!" You reply.

Who She Really Belongs to (Soma Yukihira x Reader x Takumi Aldini)Where stories live. Discover now