Chapter 3: After your 'date' with Takumi

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You walk into Polar Star's kitchen and you see Soma coming up with a dish.

"Hey Soma! What are you doing?" You ask the redhead.

"Oh (y/n)! Your back!" He says with a surprised face.

"Yeah. Are you coming up with a new dish?" You ask.

"Yep a brand new one that I thought of a while ago. How was hanging out with Takumi?" The redhead asks with a curious face.

"Oh it was really fun."

"Oh okay. Did anything interesting happen?" He asked.

"Nothing really. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing (y/n). I'm just curious that's all."

"Yeah okay. So uhhh what are you making?"

"Well right now I'm thinking about making a dish that will help someone fall asleep." He says while putting his hand on his chin.

"Well Soma that sounds really clever of you. I think I'm gonna go to bed now since I had a long day today."

"Yeah okay (y/n). Goodnight." He says.

"Goodnight Soma. Good luck on your dish."

You go upstairs and you take a bath, do your skin care routine, change into your pajamas, and go to bed. When your in bed you realize that you have a hard time sleeping. It was about 1 am by now and not being able to sleep. When you were having a hard time sleeping you decide to go for a walk to the kitchen to see if Soma is still there. When you make it to the kitchen you can see Soma still thinking about what he's going to make.

"Hey Soma. What are making?" You ask the redhead.

"Oh (y/n). Your awake. What are so doing here? Weren't you going to sleep?" Soma asks.

"Well I had trouble sleeping so I've decided to go on a walk. And to see if you were still awake by this time." You say while scratching the back of your head.

"Well if your coming here to check on me let make you something to help you fall asleep."
Soma gets a chair and tells you to sit down on it. You sit on the chair and you see him making you a miso soup. "Order up!" Was what he said when finishing his dish.

"Soma what is this?" You ask the redhead.

"Miso soup. I found out that it helps you fall asleep. But I made some quick changes to it."

You take a bite out of the soup and you realize that you can't stop eating it. In a matter of 10 minutes you finish eating and you thank Soma for making you something.

"You seemed to enjoy it a lot (y/n)."

"Yeah I did. I was amazing."

After talking with Soma for a while you start to feel a little bit tired and you fall asleep on the counter.

-Time Skip-

When you wake up in the morning you raise your head and looked around and realized that you were in the kitchen. You've even realized that there was a blanket on top of you.

"Oh morning (y/n)! Did you sleep well?" The redhead says with a smile.

"Yeah I did. Were you the person who put this blanket on me?" You ask the redhead.

"Yeah I did. I would've carried you up to your room but that would've been dangerous."

"Yeah but thank you for making me something Soma. It was delicious."

"By the way (y/n). What were you and Takumi doing yesterday?" He asks.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot that we hung out yesterday."

"But what happened?"

"Why do you wanna know so bad?"

"You see (y/n) I'm asking sure you were safe with that Italian boy."

"What no. I was completely safe. So don't worry about it."

"Okay (y/n). Can you just please tell me about your 'date' with the blonde boy?"

"If you really wanna know so bad then fine I'll tell you."

"Just tell me!"

"So when we were hanging out we went to a cafe. Then we went shopping. Then Takumi walked me back home. And before I got in the building he... Kissed my forehead." You say to him.

"He did what? Kissed your forehead?" He asked in complete shock.

"Uhh yeah. Is there something wrong with that?" You ask curiously.

"No but uhmmm did he do anything else besides that?" Soma asks with a serious face.

"No not at all." You say.

-Next Day at School-

"TAKUMI ALDINI I CHALLENGE YOU TO A SHOKUGEKI!" The redhead yells to the Italian boy.

Who She Really Belongs to (Soma Yukihira x Reader x Takumi Aldini)Where stories live. Discover now