Animals (LJ x JTK)

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predator/predator, knife play, domxdom

They ran around in the forest, careful to keep silent. It was almost like a game of cat and mouse, but both saw themselves as the cat and the other as the mouse. Each heard every twig snap, every wind blow, and every foot stomp. Like a beautifully choreographed fight scene, but the winner gets the other's body. A contest for dominance, a tournament for strength, a competition for pleasure.

Jack tripped over a tree branch and fell on the ground. Before he could even process he had fallen down, Jeff was on top of him. He roughly pushed him back into the tree, kissing him. He grabbed the hem of Jack's shirt and tugged it over his head, then took off his own. While still making out with Jack, he sloppily undid his belt.Jack fought back, trying to get on top. Jeff pushed him back against the tree. "You know the rules." He growled.
"I let you win."
Jeff slapped him and reiterated, "You. Know. The. Rules." Jack had a fiery anger in his eyes as Jeff took off his trousers. He tried to use his hands to stop him, so Jeff turned him onto his stomach and tied his hands back. "Shhh. Accept it. Maybe you'll get me next time."
Jack bit at Jeff's hand, so Jeff pulled out his knife. He didn't have to say anything, he just lightly brushed it against Jack's cheek. "Fine. Fine. I won't fight back.. as harshly. Just untie my arms?"

Jack's ass was stuck up in the air. His head was upside down as he looked at Jeff with big, begging eyes and lifted his arms. Jeff rolled his eyes. "Only if it means you'll fucking stop being so damn annoying." He cut the rope and pulled his dick out. "Suck my dick as a thank you?" Jeff mocked, sticking it in Jack's face. Jack stubbornly rolled his eyes, yet still obliged. He stuck his mouth over the head and pumped his hand along the shaft. Though he'd never admit it out loud, he loved to suck dick. His other hand traveled down to his own throbbing cock as he pumped both in unison.
He put his mouth further down Jeff's dick. He moaned, which caused vibrations. "F-fuck.." Jeff moaned, snapping Jack back to reality. He'd let his guard slip. He took his mouth off and glared at Jeff. Jeff laughed and grabbed Jack's dick.
"Like it when I touch here? I wanna make you moan again."

Jeff put his lips on Jack's nipple and licked his tongue in a circle around it.He jerked Jack off while sucking his nipple, and Jack loudly moaned, "Ah~ Jeff mm s-stop Jeff if someone comes out hhng~ they're gonna hear us."
"Us? Haha, no, they'll hear you." Jeff bit his nipple lightly, then Jack pushed him off.
He got on his knees, placing his hands on the tree, "W-well, are you gonna fuck me or what?" He asked, looking back at Jeff. Jeff licked his lips in excitement and pushed himself inside. Jack breathed in through gritted teeth, "Ah-." Jeff shoved himself all the way in. "Mmm~."
Jeff waited for a bit, letting Jack get used to it. When Jack was ready, Jeff thrust into him as fast as he could. "A-Aughh~ Oh fuck Jack, you're so fucking tight fuuckk.." Jack couldn't even speak, just moan loudly.

Jack came and his sticky, white cum contrasted with the dark green forest that they were fucking in. Soon after, Jeff came inside Jack's ass, filling him with the warm liquid. Jack collapsed onto the ground, with Jeff still hovering over him. Breathing heavily, they both got scared as a familiar voiced called out "Next time, try not to be so fucking loud." Ben had witnessed almost the entire event go down. He said nothing else and walked away as Jeff and Jack, embarrassed, stared on.

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