"Lance, how many times we told you that you will let us answer the door."

"I'm sorry Uncle Chris..."

Lance, it was the boy's name, he was Lance, I saw him clung to Chris' leg hiding behind him then I met Chris' gaze and I gulped. I stood then looked down. How silly of me of accusing him for having an affair with my Camz.

"Look who's here, the prodigal daughter returns."

I didn't answer, whatever they lash out to me, I will accept it because it's my fault, though it's mainly Lucy, it's still my fault for believing in her in the first place. I didn't trust my own family, didn't trust my lovable amazing girlfriend, so yeah, my fault and my responsibility.

Then I heard another giggle and I looked up and saw another kid, coming down slowly from the stairs, all dressed up then beside her is Taylor, holding her tiny hand.

Taylor widened her eyes when she saw me, "Lauren..."

I tightened my jaw, a big lump on my throat when I saw Lance ran up to his twin and step in front of her, protecting her, especially from me.

"Hey..." I greeted.

"I'm shock you still know the direction of this house."

"I know..."

"Mom and Dad are not here right now, they're in the hospital."

"C-Can I talk to you both for a sec?"

"And what Lauren, listen to you?" Chris lashed out, "did you listen to the letters that we sent to you?"

"Chris," Taylor scolded, widening her eyes and stared at the twin, "let mom and dad handle her, hope they can handle her."

"W-Where are you going?"

"To the hospital..."

"We're going to see mommy..."

"Sshh Camille, she's a stranger," Lance said covering his twin's mouth, "don't talk to her."

"How was it, how's your feeling, knowing that your own kid treats you as a stranger, sounds funny, but true," Chris said and smirk, "come on, Lance, Camille, we're leaving."

I tightened my jaw, my heart is breaking, it's so fucking hurt.

"Who is she?" Camille asked.

I keep my jaw tightened because Camille is a doppelganger of Camila, she looks like her but the twins' eyes are mine.

"We will answer that later, okay? Come on now," Chris answered.

Lance kept his distance to me, since Camille was held by Chris and they passed through me.

"You can follow us if you want," Taylor said while locking the door then continued, "there's no way we will let you in, even if you're our sister, you shut us out, remember? As what Lance said, you're a stranger."

I looked down and stepped back. I followed them through my eyes and they headed to a SUV that was in the garage. I saw Camille still looking at me, wondering who am I, so I give my smile at her and I saw her giggled in my brother's arms and Chris put her down at the back seat. I shook my head and jogged to my own car, following them to the hospital.


The other problem that I need to face is Dinah because she's like a sister to Camila, over protective of her and whatever it was she will give me I will accept it and she did, when she saw me walking behind my siblings. She punched me, anger in her eyes and Normani stopped her, controlling her, calming her down. I wipe the blood that was on my lips then I stood back up.

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