Chapter 9: Childhood Love

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"This, you're so annoying Anna!" Janice said rolling her eyes and sat down to eat her breakfast.

"That's rude, no pancakes for you." Before she got another mouth, i took her plate away from her.

"Fine! You are the best of the best, best friend I ever had! Urgh!" I chuckle and gave her back the plate. This gets better and better.. As we ate, I found myself starring at Finn the whole time. I don't even know why, I couldn't stop thinking about how am I suppose to tell him that I love him?

I was thinking on the day itself before I leave London, I want to tell Finn everything I thought about us.. It's a little fairytale wish that he would hold me back and whisper into my ears and tell me not to leave.

Stay with me cause I love you

Stop Anna, what are you thinking about? This is stupid,  you can't confess to someone who already have a girl right? Sigh, life is so sour.

"Earth to Anna!"

"Huh what?" This is such a bad habit, I see the four kids staring at me as if I committed a murder while I zoned out. "Stop staring, god!"

"We said, do you want to catch a movie?" Finn repeated whatever they said before.

"If it's horror, say it's horror."

"It's horror alright! How do you three handle this nut head?" Daryl said as he smack my head, hard. What was that for...? "You girls have half hour to wash up and shit.. So, hurry."

"Someone's on their period!" I sing and hurry grab Janice's arm before Daryl decides to smack me again. That boy needs to keep his hands to himself, that sounded really wrong but whatever.


"Look, now the movie is fully booked what are we going to do?" I sigh, as we all sat at Mcdonald's doing nothing for the past half an hour because we arrived tad bit late and the tickets were sold out.

"Cough, who was the one who fall asleep?" Daryl said.

"Hey! I was preparing breakfast for you kids and this is what i get in return?" I wipe a fake tear off my eyes, "Thanks...."

Janice sat there facepalm-ing herself, why is the couple today so quiet? It's not like them, or did they got into a fight or something? Before I could ask Janice and Jack what happen, someone behind me squeak.  Yes, squeak... and yes, you guessed it. It's April, wow I thought today would be a wonderful day but hm nope. It's not going to be anymore huh.

"HEY BABY CAKES! Oh, hi Anna, Jack, Janice and Rob." Baby cakes, let's puke. "Finn, I got the tickets to the carnival downtown. Let's go!"

"Er... S-sure, since we got nothing much to do." Finn stood up from his seat and left with April. Wow, way to go Finnegan. "Bye guys!"

"Who's up for a double date?" Daryl and Jack said in unison, they have been hanging out together too much.

"Count me in! Anna?" Janice exclaimed, hm.

"LET'S GO THEN!" Maybe, I said that a little too loud. Everyone in Mcdonald's started staring at us, oops. "Oh, double date as in I take Janice... You two, together!" I smirk and link hands with Janice.

"That's not fair, I want to be with my baby girl..." Jack said and tries to separate Janice from me.

"I'm hurt Jack, you're so selfish! Remember who was the one who got you guys together? Queen Anna."

"Daryl, get your cowgirl off mine."

"Acca-Cuse me? Cow girl?"

"Acca-Believe it."

Childhood Love | Finn Harries FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon