The Speech

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I want yall to know that every read means so much to me!! Please enjoy and comment to let me know what you think!





Kendall balanced himself on the crutches that were already set to his height and slipped the joggers on over his brace followed by his converse.

Coach held the door open for Kendall and James as they made their way to the locker room.

James always loved Kendall's speeches, he always spoke them from the heart and they just came naturally to him.

Kendall smirked as he walked into the room and watched the commotion that was halftime. While some teams took this time to keep their head in the game and stay stoic and serious, the LA Kings took this time to release the stresses of the game so far. Though the atmosphere was noticeably more somber with the unknown status of their fearless captain. Kendall stood there for a moment waiting to be seen, James did always say Kendall had a bit too much fun with dramatic entrances.

Suddenly Carlos saw Kendall and rushed over,

"Kendall!! Our Knight in shining armor!"

Kendall just laughed at one of his best friends antics. The team had caught on to the Knight in shining armor nickname pretty quick after one of them, Carlos, heard James call him that. Though what did he expect with the last name Knight, and being on a team called the Kings?

Swiftly the rest of the team turned towards Kendall.

"So how long are you out for?" Dak, another one of the players, asked.

"6 to 8 weeks." Kendall admitted.

"That sucks, but I at least that jerk who ambushed you is getting into some trouble. Even his own teammates are mad at him. He's some rookie who decided he was going to prove himself by taking down the Kendall Knight and he apparently thought that would gain him more credit and fans, but I mean what did he expect when he literally broke one of the most important unwritten rules of hockey, once your opponent goes down you stop attacking. He just came at you from behind and started beating you with a hockey stick! I mean what a coward he couldn't even use his fists!?" Carlos rambled.

Kendall thought for a moment now knowing what had actually transpired and what had hit him.

"So, that is what happened."


"Hey! James is here too!" Carlos said excitedly, no one was sure where his energy came from.

A few more teammates walked up and asked how he was doing before coach informed them they only had two minutes left before they needed to be back out for the third period.


Suddenly a chant was started in the locker room. Kendall smiled and looked down for a second before looking up.

"Alright," Kendall started a hush fell over the locker room waiting for one of Kendall's legendary speeches, "I may not being playing out there for the rest of the game or a few weeks, but I do expect you to carry on my spirit out there on the ice. I have hollered enough commands at you guys that you should be able to hear me say them without me even opening my mouth. You've already gotten this far into the game, and you can't give up now. I may be the captain, but I can't be a captain without a team, and a team is a family. So, work hard out there, make yourselves proud and make your family proud. We aren't some idiotic rookie who is out for our own fame, we are out there as a team and a family ready to work together to win this game. That is what separates us from other teams. Now go out there and show the Islanders who's king!"

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