"Do you know that feeling you get? The one where you want to make a person happy, but sometimes it's hard for you to express it? The type of feeling where when you go to sleep you think about them, and you hope they're thinking about you too. Well that's the feeling I've had since I met you. I'm not quite sure what it is yet, but I plan on figuring it out.

I can't stand you being mad at me for another minute. That's why I've been being extremely nice, not because I want you to crawl back to me, but I don't think I'd be able to lose you. My mind is always telling me to go after you. Fuck, it's telling me don't just stand there and wait for something to happen, make it happen. So this is me, Jules, making something happen.

I'm tired of just waiting around, hoping soon you'll forgive me because it doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere. I'm sorry, I need you back. I miss everything about you, your touch, your voice, and your laugh," He pauses, smiling and chucking to himself. "I miss that smile so much."

I grin, not being able to hold it back as he walks closer to me.

"Please don't stay mad at me, Jules. You're not the only one who's tired of fighting."

"I forgive you." I whisper, pulling him into a tight hug and clenching onto the back of his shirt as he lifts me up into him, then sets me down after our long embrace.

He's smiling, his teeth and dimples both showing as he pulls me closer, connecting our lips softly.

His hands venture down my sides and under my thighs, pulling on them so I jump into him. He carries me upstairs, never breaking the kiss, and lays me down on my back against his bed, my head resting on a pillow.

Our breathing is already heavier as he undresses the both of us.

His blazing eyes never leave mine as he crawls on top of me, softly biting and sucking on my neck, making a few small moans escape my lips.

My stomach stirs as I feel his lips connect with my neck, and everything feels surreal. I expect to wake up from a dream, but I never do.

His smug and cocky demeanor is far gone, and he lifts up his head to look right at me.

"You're so beautiful." He breathes, pecking my lips softly.

I was completely surprised by the way he was treating me, but I didn't want to focus on that right now.

"So are you." I rush out with out thinking.

I wasnt sure how he would react to that, but he chuckles lowly in between his kisses.

"I'm not beautiful, love." He smiles and brings up his hand to sweep aside some of his curls that were dangling in his face.

"You are to me."

The rest of the time there was no talking, we both just enjoyed this moment.

"I want to make love to you." He whispers softly, making goosebumps form on my arms. I nod softly, biting on my lip, and immediately he kisses my swollen lips, and as he pulls away for a moment I softly bite down on my lip, looking up at him.

"Only I am allowed to bite that lip." He dominantly speaks, and I immediately pull my lip out from my teeth.

Harry placed both hands on each side of me, placing his tip right at the center of my core. He slowly pushes himself into me, and I try to get ready for the pain.

My breath hitches as he enters me, and he kisses my lips again.

"It's okay baby, I'll go slow."

Unstable [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now