A white blur flashed across the beast and it crashed to the ground, blood spurting from its neck. Its packmates yammered in a frenzy, their cackling  gurgled into dying murmurs crashing to the ground gaping,  their neck vertebrae  ripped clean out of them . I nearly retched from the stink of demon blood and death. Mind racing panicked on what the hell just happened when I hear another snarl, not from a night creature, but a living beast.

A wolf emerged from the shadowed carnage, its fur as white as the moonlight and its eyes molten gold. Its muzzle wet with the demons' blood, padding towards me on silent footfalls with a calmness in its face. I scrambled back, reaching for my sword. The wolf stared me straight in the eyes and bared its teeth, its gilded gaze held an intelligence beyond any beast.  It didn't attack, instead leaping over me and sprinting into the woods, leaving me gasping and shaking in shock.

I only regained my composure when the rain starting pouring down, lifting myself up with my staff and limping the rest of the way towards the shadow of the great castle rising above the trees. "Welcoming place." I muttered, passing the decaying corpses of night creatures staked on tall spears. "At least I know I'll be safe here...I think." My breath swept out of my lungs setting upon the grand Castle Dracula.

Never had a giant ominous vampire castle looked so welcoming. To call the place imposing would be a ridiculous understatement. It was the largest building I've ever seen and branched out like a tree. My wonder curled into stark terror, at the bottom of the great stairs leading to the door, two decaying corpses were staked at its flank. Flies nested in their sunken eye sockets and bits of their bones exposed from the pecking of carrion. It took a quick look at their skulls to realize the corpses weren't night creatures, they were human.

I balked, considering for a split second of retreating back to where I came from before shaking my head. "No." I lowered my head. "I'm here for a reason, and even if it turns out for the worst, I'd rather be drained and staked by a vampire than rent apart and left to die by beasts in the wilderness."  I hobbled up the steps, knocking on the immense vaulted door. I waited for a reply before pushing it open and slamming it shut behind me hearing the cry of night creatures in the forest.

The front atrium seemed like a gaping tunnel leading into the abyss, illuminated only by the rows of torchlight on the walls. I took a torch in my left hand, holding my staff in my right, limping forward as my footsteps clattered through the silence.

"Hello?" I called out nervous. "Is anyone here?" Only my echoing voice answered me. "I came here seeking shelter from the rain and creatures of the night." I continued. "I was attacked by demons and I hurt my foot.  Please help me, I have nowhere else to go."

A gust bellowed from the depths of the castle, snuffing out every torch except the one in my trembling hand. "Why I should help an intruder in my home?" A low masculine voice warned. I darted my eyes, trying to find the source but could only find the shadow of my torchlight. "You ignore my warnings and barge into my castle, demanding sanctuary and reprieve as if you deserve it."

"There's night creatures prowling out there!" I exclaimed. "You wouldn't turn me out to the wolves would you?"

 Movement whirred along the walls and I heard footsteps coming close to me. "The wolves and wicked beasts pale in comparison to the danger standing before you in the shadows." The voice said ominously. "Do you know who I am, fearless one?"

"I do." I stood as bravely as I could, trying not to show weakness despite the painful protest in my ankle. "You're Alucard Tepes, the son of Dracula and the master of this castle. A vampire."

 The shadow whirred again and the voice drew closer. "And do you know what vampires do to uninvited guests? Surely you've seen the unfortunate visitors displayed at my doorstep." I fought the urge to wave my torch, he was right next to me and I could make out his shape at the outline of my fire.

"I'm not a threat, I didn't come here to hurt you." I gripped the hilt of my blade when I heard footsteps draw close. 

"If I believed you were a threat." The voice creeped behind me. "I would have ripped your throat out the moment you walked through the door." The shadow circled me like a prowling wolf. "But I have nothing to fear from a shivering little puppy bearing its teeth."

The shadow drew closer and I drew my sword. "Back off!" I warned hearing the click of fangs in in my ear. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will defend myself." 

"As if you could, little one." The voice scoffed. "You've never held a sword  in your life. You couldn't as much stab a fly as much as stab me, and you are injured." I jolted when a foot touched mine and a great shadow loomed before me. "Who are you?"

"I wish I knew ." I drooped my head, sheathing my sword. "I lost my memory and I don't remember where I came from, but something inside me told I had to come here, maybe there are answers waiting in these castle walls."

"There is nothing inside these castle walls but darkness and despair." The voice said low. "If you come looking for things that don't exist, I cannot help you. Now get out, I don't accept guests anymore, and though you appear harmless (you probably are), experience has taught me never to let my guard down." A clawed hand reached from the shadows and I hobbled back, almost falling over.

"Please Adrian!" I begged, gripping my staff. "I swear I'm not here to hurt you. I've lost everything, who I am, whatever home and family I might have had. I have nothing and the only key, the only purpose I can remember is going to this castle." Tears hit the floor. "Please.....I don't know what else to do."

Alucard breathed softly. "You know my name."

"Yes." I said, regaining confidence. "That's your real name isn't it?"

"It was..." He said longingly. "Given to me by a woman with a kind heart. Not many people know my true name. How did you?"

"A voice told it to me in a dream." I said honest. "She didn't say it was your name, but I figured it out. The voice told me to find you."

Alucard remained silent a few moments before he stepped into the torchlight, revealing himself to me.

I gasped. I wasn't expecting a vampire to look so beautiful.

"Come along then." Alucard took my torch. "You're cold, wet, injured, and you smell like a rotting demon. The least I can do is tend to your wounds and give you a fresh bath. The rest I'll figure out in the morning." "Thank you." I sighed in relief, following the mysterious vampire lord into the belly of his castle.

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