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Tuesday, August 14th, 2012.

Dear Dorky Diary, sorry about not writing anything yesterday... When I came home from school, Hanjae got mad at me for missing out on my piano lessons and took you away :(

Here's how my daily life looks now: I wake up, eat, grab a pen, write my feelings down, then play the piano for 4 hours during my spare time.

Here's how my daily life would look like without you: Kookie wakes up, eats, frowns, eats again, frowns while playing boring the piano, sleeps, gets scolded by Hanjae and mom, then cries himself to sleep at night >.<

I mean... I already do that anyways. Hanjae keeps on being a douche, but there ain't much I could do. Well, I could probably loosen up his ribcage and empty the alcohol he has in his liver with one swift flying kick, but I'm saving that for when I feel brave, not now, HA.

Ugh, and aside from this, he said he was going to stay home for the weekend because of some sort of an emergency gas leak at his job...

Not that I'm one to be wishing death upon anybody, but I wish he would be locked up in that whole gas pollution and suffocate lol.

School wasn't so bad, but I'm kind of scared. Tomorrow there's a big test I'm preparing for and.. Hold on.




Hey, Dorkie... It's 11:00 p.m. And I've kinda had this ice bag over my eye for well over an hour now.

It hurts so bad. Remember what I was writing about earlier? That test?

Well, let's just say that this was a warning from him. If I don't ace that test tomorrow, I might as well not go back home because Hanjae is probably gonna beat the shit out of me.

So, if this is the last time I ever write here... It was nice to know ya', haha.

Goodnight, Dorkie :')

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