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It was Saturday again. Venti went down and got his mail as usual.

Hm. Zhongli's mail didn't get mixed in this time. Now, the other stuff...ah, there's some advertisements, some letters from his brother, and—

And Venti's hit his head on the mail door again.

He lets out a cry of pain, stumbling back a few steps. He was pretty sure he closed the door before he left, so whose door is this?

When Venti opens his eyes, he could see someone standing behind the mail door. A tuft of dark hair and green highlights are faintly seen. The person's wearing a black jacket of sorts, dark purple baggy pants, and ankle-high boots, and there was a faint glint of a silver earring as well. The person slightly tilts the door inward, glancing at Venti with a concerned expression.

"...Are you okay?"

And Venti's too awestruck to answer.


Saturday, 11:45 AM

be crime do gay

And so when we were getting in the car to go to the pond
Tomo just looks at me and asks "do you know ei"
And my confused ass just looks back at him and goes "yeah??"
Tomo then smiles at me and says he knew her from his childhood and they would always spar with each other idk why
But ei always kicks his ass and he could not be happier

So why exactly are you telling me this

My point is my best friend is a simp for your sister
Literally he told me he would go fight her every Monday only to get his ass clapped

Dear fucking archons

And then when I ask why he's telling me all this he just takes a bite of some Inazuman snack and goes "why not"
When I tell you I wanted to strangle him

Sounds wild

No but then he goes on this tangent about some other times he and ei hung out not for fighting but for actual friend hangouts with makoto
And he tells me, and i quote, "her attitude's horrible but she could still punch someone in the face and they'd say thank you"
and i'm here, sitting in the shotgun seat, the car hasn't even moved an inch, like "can we go to the pond please this isn't the place to talk about this"

I dunno if this is supposed to be in dms or something but by all means continue this sounds chaotic

oh hey lumine
oh it was the wrong chat this whole time


don't change the chat i wanna see how this goes

Alright then
so we finally go on the road right
the pond was like half an hour away so we were eating chips and blasting old 80s songs
then tomo straight up shoves his phone in my face with a pic of a time where ei performed a right hook on someone talking shit about her in like fucking middle school

Oh yeah that time
she came home with a detention slip and got a scolding

Your household contains a lot of fighters huh

oh yeah it does
scara and ei would personally fight anyone they feel like fighting
makoto may not look like it but she can and will smite you
their mom was a judo fighter for a time and their dad
idk what their dad does for a living

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