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I slam my way through the water, forgetting all magiabilities, making my way to Seamus. It's too hectic and chaotic to aim a dart. So I fling myself over him, throwing out a dart with one hand and bracing my fall with another.

Then there's a sickening snarl as saliva dribbles onto my face.

The growl like an old wind-up clock being wound up, the teeth as brilliant as knives, the flaming red eyes. . .it's a werewolf.

Everything about this screams "DRACONDA!!!!!!" We find peace and UGH, this happens!

From the force of my leap Seamus and I fall through the water with a resounding splash. For an instant the vision of a pebble, thrown by a certain Dresden, flashes through my head.

I'm disorientated. The werewolf falls onto me, my dart having entered just at the base of its neck; which I know is an instant killing point. The wind feels like it's getting slapped out of me as I fall on top of Seamus.

The water gets into my eyes, my mouth, my nose, my ears, my very brain. . .


If this is unconsciousness, I've never felt anything like it and I want it to stop. Darkness strangles me. Twisting visions shriek past my mind's eye. I don't feel like I'm actually even UNCONSCIOUS, just hovering between here and there. Voices, scratchy like sandpaper, rasp and build up so horrifyingly that it's all I can do not to break out into hysterics. Bradbury-Jones's face swims in front of me and I realise. . .

Then I feel air rushing through me like a tornado, throwing off the blackness. I'm back in reality before I'm aware of it. Slowly, I fight down the cry in my throat. My eyes flicker open and. . .


What the-? Anton's face, just inches from mine? What had he been doing? Had he been- I shudder.

My head snaps up, regardless of the burning in my chest. Anton had recoiled when I woke up, luckily, or else I would have bashed his head in when I sat up. Seamus looks wet and bedraggled and weak. Amisha sits awkwardly to one side. The wave has dissipated, werewolf bodies litter the ground and all of us, not just Seamus, are wet as wet can be. 

"What-" I get out, before the pain in my chest bangs me so hard that I have to lie down again.

"You're hurt," Amisha whispers. "A werewolf raked you across the chest."

"The- what happened to the werewolves?"

"Don't worry. they're dead," says Seamus. "Most of them drowned, while the others ran off there." He indicates the meadow, and I immediately swear not to go there. I notice that Seamus is deliberately avoiding my eyes, and I raise my eyebrows. It's some time before he speaks again. "Thanks for saving me back there." Then he looks as though he's said something awful.

"No problem." I sigh. This is ridiculous, this silence, so I try to break it. "Anton, you said you're an Invisibilitist, but isn't real invisibility impossible?"

"Uh. . .well it isn't real invisibility, you just break your atoms apart, but not too often though, or else you won't come back."

"And what a lot of trouble that would save us," I hear Seamus mutter under his breath, but audibly. "You're an Eletrolist, huh Faverlow? Do you have any idea how awesomely cool that is?"

"So? It's not like I'm going to be able to use it for long. And besides, I bet a ton of other people have it too."

"No they don't." Amisha shakes her head slowly before tapping mine. "Seriously, have you been as brainwashed as all that? Eletrol's one of the rarest magiabilities a magiperson can have."

One of the rarest magiabilities a magiperson can have. And now that I think about it. . .no one else in the home had Eletrol. Mostly just lame stuff like Demonition and Brawn.

"Then. . ." I stall, trying to remember if it was real. The venture into death was real enough. "Can a non-magiperson use Tweltian?"

Seamus's eyes narrow into slits. "No. You're either born with the ability to use it or not." He looks at me like I'm crazy. Which I probably am anyway. "Why?"

"Because. . .because the Bradbury-Jones woman could. And she's supposed to be a Puritan."




I can hear the word bouncing around inside their heads like a pinball, even if I'm not a telepath.

"Then she isn't a Puritan," Anton says finally. "She has to be a magical in disguise."

A thrill runs down my back. Bradbury-Jones is a magical. She wants to kill the magicals And she'll stop at nothing to do it.

She's a traitor. 

(Ummm....yeah I think this is an..interesting chapter finish XD comment and vote plz! Soph -> out)

Moon of Darkness ~ Eclipse series book 1Where stories live. Discover now