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I expect just Jisoo to be waiting for us when we walk through the front doors. But the rest of the gang is there too. Apprehension rolls through the room like a slow summer wind, rippling the air as all their eyes turn on us. 

"You came home." 

Roseanne acts as though nothing is wrong, giving Jisoo a cheeky salute. "Of course I did, boss. When have I ever gone against your orders." She doesn't bother responding to that, but I can see her smile slightly as she rolls her eyes. "Heard about you and Jungkook at that party tonight." "Word spread fast." Jennie and Lisa speak. 

She grimaces, hand tightening around mine. 

"People are thinking maybe the gangs are gonna be at each other's throats. Is that going to be the case?"

 Roseanne looks to me, briefly. She searches me for an answer, and I wait, letting her take what she needs. Finally she sighs, steeling herself. "No...Maybe? The beef between Jungkook and I is personal. It doesn't need to escalate." "Very personal, if that shiner is anything to go by." Sunmi says, mentioning her face. Roseanne's free hand flits up to her bruising face. She grimaces again. "Yeah, it got ugly. I'm definitely gonna need another drink to get through this." 

Like magic, Lisa seems to appear right as she finishes her sentence with a full glass in both hands. "I'm here. I'm listening." She gives her one and keeps the other for herself, and they clink glasses in a brief display of camaraderie. 

Roseanne's throat bobs. "Jungkook and I have a lot of history. Before I met you, I lived with him because..." 

She shivers before straightening up, meeting Jisoo's gaze. 

"Jungkook is my brother." 

"...This the same brother who left you for dead on the streets?" Jennie asks shocked. Roseanne nods shoftly, eyes trained on the floor now. "He tried to pull a fast one on me. You know...told me my mother was in Korea, maybe we can be friends." "...Then he stole the gem." Sunmi says, thinking out loud. My girlfriend winces, and I squeeze her hand absently. She looks to me again with a weak, sad, smile. "Y/N and I tried to handle this by ourselves. We just didn't want to get the rest of you involved." 

"We're your gang, Rosie. We're already involved!" Sunmi makes a soft noise of shock, shaking her head. Jennie pushes past Sunmi her to stride over to Roseanne, giving her a tight hug. "I'm so sorry." "Ugghhh. Nini, you know I hate getting too mushy about this stuff!" She wriggles free, pushing her away by the face. "This is why I didn't want to tell YOU, especially." "Sorry I care, I guess?" "Let's just leave the tears and asspats for another day." 

Jisoo is mostly quiet, chin in her hand as she waits for Roseanne to speak her mind. She looks angry, not tat careful cool exterior he maintains so well. "So what do you want us to do now?" Roseanne makes a helpless gesture. "I don't know, kill him?" "That won't bring you satisfaction and you know it. Won't solve a thing. Won't take back the years you lost." "I don't hear a 'no' in that sentence." 

Going over to the bar, Roseanne makes herself another drink. This plus everything she had at the party is putting her well over her limit, but I don't stop her. Jisoo keeps her mouth firmly shut. "Then forget it, I guess." 

"Maybe not. If Roseanne wants it, I can take Jungkook out quietly. No way to trace it back to us. No need to start a gang war."

Leaning against the couch, Jisoo crosses her arms. She doesn't fight the decision, letting the rest of us make up our own minds. "Roseanne?" She asks hopefully, though clearly unsure of what the answer will be. "...Let me answer that when I'm sober. But assuming I tell Lisa not to do it...Do YOU have any bright ideas, Jisoo?" Those dark eyes are focussed on something else, weighting all her options. As always, Jisoo looks like she has ten different scenarios playing in her head in search of the best route. "Nothing changes. We were looking into how to solve his without you, so that's how we'll stay." 

Gangster in love (Rosé x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now