"We really can't say much, but all of the 8th years are in their own tower. We have a really nice common room, it's very welcoming. There are two to a room, boys and girls are still separated, but there's no issue in entering each other's rooms."

"Five galleons I have to room with Granger", Pansy muttered.

"Potter and I helped with the room assignments, so we will refrain from betting. However, I will mention that if you're rooming with someone from another house, the room colors may clash. Potter and I redecorated as soon as we got there."

"Potter? Are we all back on a last name basis? I really don't know what's happening. What's our story?", Pansy asked.

"I don't know", Draco replied with a sigh, resting against Harry's shoulder. "We're all friends and have been for a while now. I just don't know what to let everyone know, because it's deeper than that. I suppose it's up to us as individuals how we want to handle it."

Harry had already been scribbling on some parchment, and presented it to Pansy.

"McGonagall is going to tell everyone Draco and I have been meeting with her throughout the summer, so that explains us. We'll be sitting together on the train, so that can be our start. For all anyone else knows, we made up on the train because we're roommates. We have to keep in mind that whatever happens can be leaked to the press at any time. If there's something you don't want the rest of the wizarding world knowing, keep it behind locked doors.

No offense to the rest of you but Draco and I will be using advanced locking charms on our door. McGonagall placed a permanent silencing charm on all dorms for privacy as people are always lurking about. She knows it's a great risk having Draco and I together and that people will take whatever we say and do and spin it a certain way.

Draco and I have a code system, and I suggest the rest of us come up with some words and phrases as well. There are a few places we've found that we could meet up in, and I'm sure if we asked McGonagall would give us a safe place to come together that isn't the Room of Requirement.

We also have the freedom to leave on weekends, so we can escape for a bit and do whatever we want. Draco and I have put a lot of thought into this. Ginny, Luna, we'll give you the tower password once we get it so you can come up and visit. We'll make it through, together."

"Wow Harry, you've really thought about this in detail", Blaise said, extremely impressed.

"He's been worried about all of our safety. He and McGonagall have been working on a very strict no tolerance policy which should help some. It's up to us to set the example though. Change started with us, and now it ends with us", Draco chimed in.

"Well aren't you two a power couple", Ginny cooed.

Harry rolled his eyes good naturedly.

"We're a force to be reckoned with of our own accords. I think that's why McGonagall chose us in the first place", Draco finished.

"I'm sure. It worked though. All of this started with you two. Once Harry became friends with Pansy and Blaise, I got pulled in, then all of the Weasleys and Luna. McGonagall knows what she's doing", Neville chimed in.

"I think it will be a very nice year", Luna said daintily.

"It will be, because we all have each other's backs", Pansy said fiercely.

"Wonderful. Now that we've gotten that taken care of, let's have some snacks and play some games", Ginny suggested.

Draco should have taken Harry up on the offer of working out, because he did not understand how he could go through five Just Dance songs and barely break a sweat while Draco was panting. Harry only tapped out to get Draco some water, which the other man greatly appreciated.

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