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Jungkook quickly took the heavy backpack from Chaeyoung's shoulders before putting it in the back of the trunk. Then, he looked back to her parents that were still walking behind to help them. He jogged to them and handed his hand to help carry their backpack.

Chaeyoung watched him as she stretched her body from the aching she felt after hiking the mountain yesterday. They spent a night sleeping near the mountain peak before hiking down this morning after watching the sunrise. Chaeyoung's parents were the ones asked her and Jungkook to hike together that weekend.

It was a sudden change of plan which Jungkook was surprised with but he went along anyway since he was free that weekend. Even though he actually planned to spend time with her parents by helping them at the village, he knew that he cannot refuse their request if he wanted them to like him. His first meeting with her parents three weeks before that was not very good as they were shocked to know he works as a policeman.

Chaeyoung told him after the meeting that they were just worried about his job. They were concerned if anything bad happens to him to which he felt unnecessary. For him, being a policeman might be a dangerous career but he likes it.

When Chaeyoung said that her parents were scared if she becomes a young widower because of him, he sulked with her for a day as he thought her parents wished him to die young. She tried hard to tell him that they did not mean it that way and they were just worried for both of them.

She also told him that her parents likes him when she showed them his photo. They complimented his looks and approved him as her boyfriend when she talked about him to them. The only thing that was a turnoff for them was his career.

That was why he made a lot of effort to win their hearts since that first meet. He might not be able to meet them often but he made sure to show them he cares about them and Chaeyoung. He sent them fruits and vegetables that were not available in their farm. He gave them gifts whenever he remember them. He sent Chaeyoung back to the village even though he cannot stay there with her.

"Mr Park, Mrs Park..", he spoke as he watched Chaeyoung's mother taking out her flask from her backpack while Mr Park already sat inside the taxi. "Are you two sure you don't want us to send you home?", he asked them.

Mr Park shook his head while his wife gulping down the water at the back of the taxi.

"There's no need for that, young man.", Mr Park said.

"Mom, we can send you home.."

Mrs Park shook her head while smiling at her daughter. Then, she walked to Jungkook and gestured her hands to hug him. He was clueless at first but eventually moved forward to let Mrs Park hug him like how a mother hugged her son.

"I heard the call you got. You should go now before your boss scold you.", she managed to whisper to Jungkook before letting go of him.

His eyes widened before he saw the stare Mr Park gave him. Then, he acted like nothing happened as he rubbed the back of his head while Chaeyoung stood next to him. Mrs Park gave a hug to Chaeyoung too before reminding her to go straight home.

"Don't worry, mom. Jungkook will send me straight home and I'll make sure to inform you when we arrive.", Chaeyoung replied as she squeezed her mother's hand softly.

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