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London, England

The house had filled up fairly quickly with more people than expected. It was almost like Mason and his friends had forgotten about training the next day. Daisie couldn't move about 10 feet without seeing someone she didn't know.

Coming out of the bathroom, the girl got stuck in between people in an attempt to all claim the bathroom next. She could hear a mix of music and laughter from all the party goers but was still yet to find Katie.

Daisie Dior Delore felt lost within her own home. She couldn't find anyone she knew and decided she would just hide in her room till they all left or fell asleep. Trudging up the stairs, she scanned the area around her but still no sign of her friends. Parties hadn't been Daisies scene for sometime so she thought best to seek refuge.

The Delore girl pushed her door open to be met with two naked bodies on her bed. Ben Chilwell and some random blonde. "Oh god. Sorry Daisie!" He stammered, having never met the girl and this was her first impression.

Daisie didn't respond, shutting the door and instead ran downstairs in search of Mason. She finally found the boy with Declan, Katie and another blonde girl.

"I'm going to kill you!" Daisie stormed over to him, steam coming out of her ears.

Mason looked over at the approaching girl and knew she was furious. "Woah, Dais. Calm down, if this is about Ben I said he could use the spare room" he said, holding his hands up in surrender.

"In case you forgot, the spare room is now my room?!"

The model huffed and turned to her friends. "Sorry. I didn't know you guys were here and that half the country was too!" She smiled, looking at everyone that she was confused about with their presence.

Declan scratched his neck in guilt. "Yeah, sorry. Chilly and I got a bit mixed up and invited a few people because we thought it was a party" he apologised.

"A few? There's literally more people than I follow on Instagram here. The list is long but it doesn't matter. I will be throwing my mattress out" the girl stated, glaring daggers at the sheepish looking Ben who was coming down the stairs.

Not wanting to talk to him, she turned to Katie and the blonde girl. "Drinks?" She asked to which they both agreed.

Mason watched the three girls giggling and disappearing off to the kitchen. "Fucking hell" Ben groaned, catching the attention of the Chelsea 19.

The two boys hugged and stood with Declan. "Bro, I fucked up. Daisies going to hate me and she doesn't even know me yet!" Ben whined, rubbing his face.

"Shit one. Daisie won't care, once she gets a little drink she will be calling at anyone's feet" Declan laughed loudly.

Mason stood for a second. "Dec, you know that doesn't make any real sense, right?"

The group of boys was interrupted by a typical cough. The one that would catch anyone's attention. "You made it!" The Chilwell boy cheered as another boy greeted them. "Finn mate, how are you?"

Ben hugged him with Declan soon copying but Mason stood tall, ignoring him.

Finn grinned at the Chelsea player. "Good good. I met this girl over there and I reckon I'm just a bit star struck" he joked, hinting towards the group of girls all taking shots. This caught Mason Mounts attention as he looked up to see Daisie amongst the girls, laughing at something one of them had said.

"Excuse me," Mason said sharply, racing off in the Delore girls direction.


"Hey Dais, you seen Mason?" Kai asked the girl who was at that moment very drunk. Although she was out of it, Daisie never forgot her manners and was always kind.

"No sorry, I haven't seen...Jason" she attempted to say but ending up slurring the start.

Kai Havertz hovered about the girl till Christian Pulisic appeared who was equally as drunk as the girl. "Coach Delore, pleasure!" He greeted, his tipsy body bowing.

Daisie giggled and curtseyed back. The trio started up a very unconventional conversation about puppies when another man joined them.

"Do you mind?" He asked the two boys who stood with Daisie, hinting for them to go. Kai claimed he needed the bathroom anyways so Christian left with him.

Daisie looked up at the man of which she had already met that night. "Hello again, you!" She shouted, already forgetting his name.

"You don't remember. My name is Finn. I spoke to you earlier about your modelling" he began, pouring them some more drinks.

Daisie fake pouted and folded her arms. "That's why I said 'again'. Don't twist my words, smartass!"

Finn looked more than uneasy until Daisie burst out laughing. "I'm kidding!" She drunkenly hiccuped.

The two spoke for a good while until the party began to die down at around 2:18am.

While in her conversation, Daisie couldn't help but feel watched. It was as thought someone was keeping their eyes on her all night.

"Anyways, I best be off but here," Finn sighed, grabbing a pen and taking it to an envelope from a random bill. "My number, we should meet up."

Daisie walked him to the door and waved as he got into a taxicab.

On her way back upstairs, Daisie passed Christian and a redhead kissing, Ben and a different blonde under the stairs and Kai and Tammy fucking about on the treadmill.

Daisie was met with an all too familiar face at top of the stairs. Mason.

"Are you as fucked as I am?" He asked, grabbing her into a hug.

"Impossible and you're all wet, Mase!"

"Because me, me and Deccers went in the pool" he drunkenly grinned much like the Cheshire Cat from that book Daisie read when she was little.

Daisie, even though highly intoxicated, couldn't help but examine Masons white top that stuck to his body. It was like his chest was chiselled by the Greeks themselves.

"Mason," she whinged.

"Yes, Miss Dior?"

"I have no bed, Ben fucked someone in there earlier and I'm not sleeping on top of it!" She groaned and watching Mason become amused.

It was as though he had a lightbulb moment and a dark smirk appeared on his face. "Come with me!" He smiled, grabbing the girls hand and leading her towards his room.

That was when Mason slammed her up against his white walls and pressed his lips against hers. Daisie didn't know what to do other than kiss him back.

The two drunk bodies mixed almost perfectly with eachother as the girl jumped and Mason caught her, wrapped her legs around his waist. They never broke apart.

Daisies hands played in Masons hair and his on her hips and they fell against his king bed.

They ripped eachothers clothes off like animals, not exchanging any other words.

All Daisie could think was: Finally.


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