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noun ~ a group of wild animals, living and hunting together

We charged through the trees, our group nothing but a blur of shadows. We kept at a reasonable pace, and I was happy with the runs Sean made me do as training.

The energy from the mate bond thrummed against my side. Phoenix ran to my right, his large imposing wolf was effortless. I admired his beast; how his muscles bunched under the pressure and yet barely a high escaped his jaw. His dark eyes turned to glance at me and I swished my tail in response.

We ran in silence, the spirit of running together was enthralling. I had never run as part of a group like this, there was something wild about it. Freeing. Wolves around me yipped and barked as we ran, covering a wide amount of land in such a short time.

Before I knew it we reached the border, the patrol wolves there bowing their heads as we slowed our approach. Phoenix had his head raised as we left, to scout the area. The shimmering energy of the boundary washed over me and I shook out my fur on instinct.

With a commanding bark from Phoenix, we began to run again. Cel was in her element, and we were happy to be a part of a pack. Who knew I would be running in a pack when I shed to actively avoid it?

Time passed quickly and we soon came to our first rest stop by a freshwater stream. Our tongues lapped at the refreshment and we stretched our limbs out in the cool water. It wasn't a hot day today, in fact, it was rather cloudy but it was nice to cool down. I only went knees deep as I watched the others enjoy the relaxing current.

Some wolves were on high alert, their eyes watching the trees and ears twitching with every sound. Phoenix was one of them, his back end close to me as he stared out at the forest.

I exited the water and shook out my fur. I wandered my way around for a bit before realising only Pollux wasn't watching the trees. Both Sean, Leo and Phoenix were preoccupied so I went to sit beside my twin.

A small bark of greeting left my jaws and he turned his big head to look at me. His tongue darted out as I came near and left a large lick on my ear. I huffed and nudged his head away, falling onto my butt.

We sat near the edge of the group, letting our wolves express themselves with playful growls. At some point, Cel rose to her feet and began to gnaw at his ear. He engaged in the play and I chuckled as they began to try and bite at each other.

A sudden feeling of dread washed over me and I forced Cel to pause from chomping his cheek so I could focus. It was a gut-wrenching shiver, one I had felt before somehow. It felt familiar.

My hackles rose as I searched beyond the trees. Something was there, I was certain of it. I let out a low growl as my eyes caught a shadow. The shadow moved and a scurry of feet rustled in their direction. I sniffed, only to find an overwhelming stench of rotting flesh and blood.

I felt Phoenix come up behind me, his nose pointed down as he tried to pick up the scent. He let out a low growl when he did, taking a threatening step forwards.

I suppressed a shiver as the feeling hit me like a wave again, my claws shifting in the grass.

What is it? I asked.

Phoenix growled again, not turning his attention away. 'Ghoul.'

I felt my heart splutter in fear and a small whimper left my lips as the memory of the terrifying creature came to the front of my mind. I took a small step away from where I stood, to stand beside Phoenix's flank.

I was glad I was in wolf form as I would be able to protect myself more if anything was to happen.

The shadows between the trees moved and I was blindsided until Phoenix suddenly lept into action. The large blue figure had launched itself out of the trees, seemingly in my direction. A startled yelp left my lips when it got knocked away by Phoenix.

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