Naruto shoots forward again, "Well, fine! How am I supposed to know all this complicated stuff anyway?"

As Naruto finished talking, the door swings open with all three of us looking towards it as a child with a shuriken steps out and runs towards the Hokage screaming, "Old man!! I challenge you!" He pulls back his arm with the shuriken, "I'm going to defeat you and become the first Hokage!! WAH!" He then steps on his long scarf and falls on his face.

The Hokage breathes out through his nose, grabbing his hat by the edge and pulling down, 'My grandson...another headache.'

A man then enters the room, through the door that the kid did. I shake my head as I think exasperatedly, 'Konohamaru...'

Konohamaru sits up, rubbing his face, "Something tripped me!" The man looked around the room before calling out the child, "Are you okay, Honorable Grandson?! Oh and by the way, there's nothing in here for you to trip you on. It pretty flat."

I look back towards Naruto who looked annoyed, 'Ugh...who is this shrimp?'

The man gasps, seeing Naruto, 'Its that kid!' He then smirks, 'The nine-tailed fox. Of course. He's the worst kind of troublemaker.'

I give the man an annoyed glare before looking back at Naruto to see Konohamaru walk towards him, pointing his finger at him, "Alright! You're the one that tripped me, aren't you?!" Naruto growls, standing up and grabbing Konohamaru by his scarf, "You tripped over your own feet, dork!" The man steps forward, "Hey, you! Take your hands off of him, right now! He's the honorable grandson of the honorable Third Hokage!"

Naruto looks down at the child, confused. Konohamaru glares at Naruto as he thinks, 'That stopped him. Just like all the rest. Ha!' Konohamaru tilts his head down, 'Now that he knows who I am, he won't dare lay a finger on me.' Konohamaru then shouts at Naruto, "What's the matter, huh? I thought you were gonna hit me, tough guy! Afraid cause the Third Hokage is my grandfather!!"

Naruto's face turns annoyed and he hits him in the head as he screams back, "I don't care if he's your grandmother! So believe it!!!" Konohamaru cries out and falls forward, 'This guys...different...' He hits the ground face first.

The man gasps, surprised and shocked by Naruto's actions. The Hokage thinks, annoyed and tired of this already, 'This is not looking good...'

I can't help but silently laugh at the whole scene.


I decided to break off from there, telling Naruto that I wanted to go train at a training ground.

I practically knew what happens with Naruto and Konohamaru and it was just them goofing around and then bonding. I didn't really need to be there for that.

I look up as I see the training ground where I and Sasuke used to train together at. I place my ninja bag on the ground. I brush my hair back and tie it into a ponytail. Today I will take it easy since tomorrow all the teams will be meeting their senseis.

I've been practicing using my phantom clan jutsu. At least all that I can remember learning. I look around and find a stick that had fallen from a tree lying on the ground.

I step away and close my eyes, making a hand sign. A smoke-like fog wrapped around the stick, and it disappeared, being swallowed completely by the fog. I focus, holding out my hand and imagining the stick in it. Soon enough, the fog slowly appeared on top of my hand, forming into the stick. I can feel a slight headache coming along as the fog seeped into my skin, uncovering the stick.

Now the stick layed in my hand, I open my eyes. They were glowing.

I turn my head sharply when I feel a chakra signature. I was surprised to see that it was Sasuke. "Sasuke? How long have you been there?" Sasuke looked away, "Just now." He then walked towards me and grabbed the stick that was in my hand. I watch as he studies the stick before looking at me, "How did you do that? The thing with the stick."

(Being Rewritten) Cursed to be Loved (Yandere!Various!Naruto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now