"Of course." She scoffed, rolling her eyes a little before she quickly shook her head because Mr Kelly

" What do you want from me?" She quipped. Turing into the great businesswoman she was.

"Uh, well I wanted to work together on an event." He cleared, his throat. His eyes were sceptical.

"An event? What sort." She asked, crossing her arms on the desk and leaning forward. Spencer's eyes darted down to her tanned glowing cleavage.

"Charity, raising money for children hospitals in New York." He licked his bottom lip still staring at her cleavage. Andriana quickly leaned back, feeling exposed and shy for some odd reason. He looked back up to where his eyes were supposed to be and smirked. Knowing fully well he was caught staring, I guess he didn’t care

She cleared her throat. "Okay so you want me to help organize it?"

"Your job is to think of a way to raise that money on the day." Okay what makes him think that Andriana had time to do that. "You're quite creative, I know you're a busy women the date for the event will be in 2 months." He added.

"Okay, so you want a theme and such." Andriana chewed, on the inside of her lip unconsciously. Staring at her computer screen "And what will you be doing?" She asked, curious if he was just using her to do all the work.

"I'll be helping of course. Starting from tomorrow." He jumped up from the leather chair walking towards the door and turning around. But-

"Will discuss over dinner tomorrow." He smirked. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. Hunk, say what? "I've left my personal phone number with one of your assistants. Call me for details." He left without Andriana saying a word. What makes him think she will be magically available for dinner tomorrow, and why not a business lunch?

Andriana headed to Edwards office to have lunch, they agreed that they were buying the building in a partnership. All they had to do now was plan renovations. Edward thought Andriana should be in charge of the entire interior inside the building, so later in the week she scheduled to have a look inside the hotel. The owner was happy with selling the building the price they offered, so Andriana’s Lawyer and Edwards Lawyer drew up a contract indicating shares and payment.

Everything was being set.  After 5 hours of talking Andriana made her way home.

She sat in her home office. Telling Miss Lay and Ms Fiona she didn't want to be disturbed. Hours went past and Andriana didn't even realize it was 9pm. Her home office phone started to ring.

"Hello?" She murmured, Okay she needed a coffee or better a third cup of scotch.

"Good evening, Miss Martino." A low husky voice greeted. She knew it was Mr Kelly. But she could have fun with this. She poured another scotch.

"Hey Baby, I was just going to call you- I'm just about to get undressed and have a nice hot bath. Come over and join me." She breathed, stifling a smirk. Spencer took a sharp intake of breath before he cleared his throat.

"I wouldn't mind that but I can't- Imagine I'm there with you.. Babe." She heard the smirk in his voice. Of course he would play along.

"Oh baby, I love that idea let me just take off my robe. I'll imagine its you." She whispered, huskily. Aware that this was starting to sound like a põrno.

"Is your robe off?" Spencer’s little throaty laugh almost made a pool of desire.

"Mmhm. Now I'm totally nãked imagining your hands all over my body." She smirked, taking a sip of scotch.

"Where exactly are my hands touching?" He was such a hormonal man that didn’t have respect.

"Your favourite part of me of course, I'm imagining your hands squeezing my bręasts." She bit her lip, okay she had to stop now. She was getting herself heated up. Spencer groaned.

Billion dollar girl.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat