FIRST DATE (Chapter 4)

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Taehyung's pov

Jimin bowed and left.


Jimin: Here's the information about the girl
*Jimin gave me a file and I opened it*

~after reading the file~

Me:  n-no...h-how is this possible....?  S-she looks.... exactly like m-my....Eunji....

*I started to panic*

Jimin: Bro....calm down...drink s-some water.

Haneul POV

"Was it Kai to whom felix was talking to last night?"
"Does Seulgi know Taehyung?"
"Why did Kai say that Taehyung should never know about me..?"
These questions bothered me as I reached home.
I just had a shower and I got a text from someone, it was Kai.

(On text)
Kai: Hi Haneul this is Kai.

Haneul: hi

Kai: what are you doing now?

Haneul: I was about to go to bed. What about you?

Kai: lying on bed.

Haneul: hmm. So gn ig?

Kai: uhm... Haneul?

Haneul: yeah?

Kai: are you free tomorrow..?

Haneul: yeah. What about it?

Kai: would to go out with me tomorrow?

Haneul: uh..

Haneul: ok...but I need to seek permission from my brother.

Kai: ok. If he agrees just tell me we'll meet at xxxxx park tomorrow at 5pm. Goodnight

Haneul: okay. Goodnight to you too

Did Kai just ask me out??
I stood like a mannequin on my place. Should I tell about this to felix? No he will surely deny it. I'mma tell Seulgi.


Seulgi's POV

Probably they reached home..I need to tell about what happened today to Felix.
(Calls felix)
Me: h-hello?

Felix: yeah Seulgi? Why are you calling me at this time?

Me: felix listen to me,it is important

Felix: what happened?

Me: felix...kai knows that Haneul is alive and Haneul knows him....

Felix: W-what? What did you say..?

Me: Kai knows that Haneul is alive and Haneul knows him too. We met him and Tao at the arcade.

Felix: OH FUCK

ME: Felix he also said that Taehyung should never know that Haneul is alive..or else something worse would happen.... it was him...on the call...

Me: what? You met him?

Felix: no...he called me..

Me: whatever it is...right now the main priority is to protect Haneul....and ourselves too...

Felix: yeah.....

Me: shall we tell about all these to taehyung...?

Felix:....I think it's not the right time...


Felix: Seulgi..I have a work for you

Me: yeah..what is it?

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