Chapter 58: Heartfelt Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

Arion did as told, and with every attempt he summoned deceased thunder from the ground.

It was not strong like Blackthorn had hoped.

Arion was eager to learn but was frustrated at himself for not meeting Lord Blackthorns expectations. He pushed himself to the max so he could prove himself to Lord Blackthorn but most importantly to himself.

With every attempt, it became stronger until he was able to fully summon the dead thunder and impress the Lord of Woods.

The time neared for the training to seize for the year. Pyro spent a lot of his limited free time with Athena while her friends giggled in the background.

The two wanted to say their goodbyes for the year, in case they did not have a chance to say it before all the commotions with departing Apprentices occurred.

"I cannot believe an entire semester is already over," said Athena, sitting on the stair of the House of Wind. "It's like we just met yesterday."

Pyro was seated next to her, but it was not close enough, there was too much of a gap between the two, a crater might as well separate them.

He nevertheless smiled and said, "There is something I want to tell you."

"Oh," said Athena with a great big smile.

"I wanted to say," said Pyro.

He looked down at the bottom of the stair. He was afraid to make eye contact. His stomach was churning like butterjin. He was nervous. It was a feeling which hit him like a fireball when he spent time with Athena.

"Go ahead. I'm listening," said Athena, staring at him.

Her eyes might as well be laser like because it was piercing a hole in his head and his palms became even moister.

"I'm, I'm, I'm going to miss you," he mumbled.

"And I'm going to miss you too," she replied with a smile and shake of her head.

The two leaned in and hugged each other whiles passerby's ooh and awed at them, but they did not care.

Athena's hug was warm and inviting. It was different from the ones he received from Chi-taki, but in a very good way. Pyro did not want to let her go. He wanted to embrace her for a little longer.

The two separated and Athena stood up and looked back at him and said, "Well before you know it, the break will be over and we will see each other again."

"Yeah, you're right," said Pyro.

He watched her walk away with Nepthis. He kept his smiled plastered on his face as Athena would periodically turn back around. 

He did not want her to see the uncertainty and fear on his face. Would this be the last time he saw her? She did not know he was going on a journey, in which he might never come back from.

The last day arrived and each of the House warriors was listening to a speech in the main atriums of their respective Houses.

Each Hyod, stood above their main atrium on the hovering golden balcony affixed on the back of their sacred Beastial, informing their Apprentices of how proud they were of them but mainly to be careful and to always keep in large groups for protection purposes.

The Apprentices were aware of what they meant. The Messiah of Darkness was back and aiming for the warriors of Apprentice Hall and Othyrus Castle to reap his revenge on the Hyods.

The warriors from the Othyrus Castle escorted all the departing Apprentices safely from the Hall without any disturbances from Dark Warriors.

In his chamber, Valliantious, spoke to the four chosen warriors who were seated and awaiting his final words of wisdom.

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Where stories live. Discover now