Chapter 44: Grave News

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It continued to rain heavily, however the thunder and lightning had seized, for it was the Thunder Warriors whom ran over to Arion.

The falling Metal Warrior struggled to open his eyes, but nevertheless he did, long enough to see Arion looking back at him.

"Who is Chrome? His helmet materialized on to his head before I could see his true identity. Who is he, come on Irown, tell me, I know you saw who he was?" pleaded Arion.

He was desperately trying to put the puzzle together to find out why Chrome would risk his life by entering the Hall with the Hyods present.

Irown parted his shivering lips but before he could answer, he departed the realm of the conscious.

Hallious, worried by the sudden explosion in front of his House, immediately materialized in front of Arion, liquid metal slithering off of him. He was before Arion and his falling Apprentice.

He looked bemused at the sight he was witnessing as the rain doused his gleaming silver white armour and long silver hair.

He placed his palm onto Irown's chest, and said to Arion and everyone else, "Give us some space. His condition is severe."

Arion stood up and moved away. He needed answers. Why was his beloved home so vulnerable like a common house in a poor village even though the strongest warriors now resided there?

Hallious slowly ascended Irown into his hands and dematerialized to the granite walled Infirmary, a large chamber with eight massive and beautiful stain glass oval windows of all colours and depictions of seven of the eight Hyods.

In his depiction, Valliantious was sending a flock of tornados at several shadows while Ponthious was rising out from the sea while typhoons rose up with him.

Hallious was forging swords in a volcano and Demetah was leading a herd of stags into war while Heliocana threw molten rocks at her enemies.

Blackthorn and Hyperiown were materializing in and out of their depictions. The Hyod of Ice's stain glass window was the only one empty, except for that of a blizzard.

The Infirmary was filled with cloud covered beds with silver and gold frames, positioned on the left side of the room.

The Infirmary's dark star lit ceiling had the four noble Beastials leisurely flying around, the Silver Phoenix, the Pallid Dragon, the Crimson Wolf and the Cobalt Alligator. They gazed down at the injured warrior with concern.

Hallious securely placed Irown onto a bed and quickly opened his palm, summoning with his mind, the opening of the medicinal glass cabinets which were placed all around the chamber.

"Hold on Irown. Fight. Fight to stay with us. It is not your time. You have more to live for," said a worried sounding Hallious.

Hundreds of colourful and uniquely shaped vials sprinted to him one by one while the remaining floated around him like the rings of Saturnis.

He opened each when they made their way to him like glass eagles. He administered several remedies onto Irown's chest, but to no avail.

"Come on Irown. You have to work with me and the concoctions," pleaded Hallious.

Irown did not flinch even an inch.

"I am sorry. I was not good enough to find the right remedy. May you and your parents forgive me," whispered Hallious sadly.

The Hyod of Metal was searching his mind for answers of different types of remedies or herbs, but drew a blank.

He dematerialized out of the Infirmary and into the main atrium of his House where his eager warriors watched and waited for the news on Irown.

"Warriors of mine, Warriors of Thunder, I have grave news to tell," uttered Hallious with a saddened tone while he looked at each of the Apprentices standing and sitting on and around the granite couches.

The House fell into absolute silence. It was clearly written on their face, they were thinking of the worst situation possible while still holding out hope Lord Hallious' news would somehow alter in the minutes, the seconds left until he spoke again.

"As I said before, Irown's condition is severe and may," but Hallious could not finish his sentence and the room began to gasp in disbelief like they had already heard the terrible news.

"I have attempted my best and unfortunately my best has not prevailed, Irown will soon be leaving us."

The atrium held up by four pillars with a fountain of combatting liquid metal warriors once again fell into absolute silence and sorrow.

Arion could not take it any longer. He had to say what was on his mind. He had to break the silence. He boldly stood up and gawked into Lord Hallious's eyes.

Hallious caught wind of his action and the entire House's attention fell upon Arion the two.

"I cannot believe this is happening and here out of all places, my lord," said Arion with rage in his voice while he pictured Irown, lying in his hands.

He would not and could not see it happen again. Questions needed to be asked and answered and solutions needed to be implemented.

"What is on your mind Arion?" asked Hallious.

"I saw the look in your eyes. You know it was a Warrior of Dark who did this to Irown. That warrior, Lord Hallious, that warrior, is none other than the devious and murderous General Chrome," exclaimed Arion, pointing to the floor.

The House was in an uproar.

Arion had taken Hallious by surprise. The expressions on the Apprentices face and whispers, showed that they no longer felt the Hall was safe even with the Hyods there.

Irown was an example of that and anyone of them they alleged to the other, could be next.

"Quiet! All of you," Hallious bellowed and the room fell into utter silence with all eyes on him. "Unfortunately, it seems Arion is absolutely correct. It was a Dark Warrior who wounded Irown."

"I am sure of it now that it was Chrome. I am well aware of his filthy work."

"I can also see all of you are puzzled as to how he was able to enter without a Hyod knowing and you now fear this place is no longer safe; however, I assure you Apprentice Hall is safer than any other place out there besides the Othyrus Castle," affirmed Hallious.

"Warriors of Light, this is what we have been training you for, an event like this. I hope there will not be a next time, but if there is, be ready and call for help."

"Now, I want all of you to head back to your respective Houses in groups and wait for instructions," ordered Hallious.

The atrium quickly emptied with students walking or dematerializing, except for Arion who just stared at Lord Hallious with anger in his yellow eyes as if he blamed the Hyods for Chrome's intrusion and Irown's fall.

"Arion, did you not here what I said? Head to your House, now, and wait for instructions."

The Hyod of Metal taking one last look at the angry Thunder Warrior materialized leaving Arion standing in the now darkened atrium.

He was irritated for not being addressed properly by Lord Hallious. The Lord of Metal was treating him like an ignorant warrior, like a youngling needing a timeout and it did not sit well with him at all.

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora