Chapter 23: Skittles

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To the girl with hair the color of caramel syrup and the eyes as sweet as butterscotch. You take my breath away. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I felt drawn to you. You and your brutish attitude and indifferent demeanor. The way you always hold your chin up high and appear confident no matter what. Never afraid to step up to a challenge and rise to the occasion. The sound of your voice sent chills down my spine. When you'd look my way even for just a second, my heart would stop. To see you create art and showcase your talent always left me speechless. How could I ever measure up to you; is what I would ask myself.

At night I'd go to bed dreaming of the day you'd finally notice me, finally talk to me. imagining all the things I would say to you. How I would say them. I tried so hard to grab your attention. I mastered every craft I could, outdid myself, again and again, to get you to look my way, even for just a moment. But I soon found out, that none of that mattered. You weren't interested in what I had to show you, you didn't want over-the-top extravagance. You aren't like everyone else.

You only opened up to me when you saw the real me. When we played arcade games and your competitive spirit brought out the playfulness in me. The way you could make me smile and feel so happy effortlessly. I didn't have to be all that, I just had to be myself. Dancing with you and singing along to music. Holding you while you cried. Being there for you. These are the things you fell in love with. Not the girl who has her work immortalized in a statue. The girl whose dog ruins moments and dad embarrasses her by spying on her, that's the girl you like.

You showed me that I don't have to be all that just to get your attention. I don't have to lie and have it all. I just have to be myself. So this is my way of telling you, that I understand now. I'm ready to do this the right way. My feelings for you will hold on through the toughest of battles, and win even the most impossible of fights. Because just like you, I didn't fall for the over the top, outer shell we show the world. I fell for you. The real you. The you that has the cutest pouty face. The you that schemes her way out of situations. The you that goes beyond for her friends. You make me very happy just by being you, and allowing me to see you smile every day. I hope we can continue this journey of discovering ourselves together going as long as we can.


The girl with the candy problem.

I stared down at the letter, clearly written by Hilary, and then once again looked around in confusion. That is until someone put their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Hilary? What are you doing here?" I ask.

She giggled and moved her hands before coming to sit next to me.

"I thought—"

"I may have asked Zoey to get you out here." She says.

"What's this?" I indicate to the letter.

"Alvin inspired me. If he can do it, so can I. I know things are still moving slow and healing from what happened between us, but I just wanted to try and get my real feelings across to you. I just want you to see, that you make me so happy."

"Well I like it, I think it's sweet." I smile.

"The truth is, I've had a crush on you for some time. A long, long time. Just watching you be your goofy self, made me fall in love with you. I was always too scared to tell you. Just like I fell in love with you, I wanted you to fall in love with me. Without me having to tell you or convince you to. I just... wanted you to feel the way I feel. And I know I screwed that up big time. I understand that now."

"I thought this was behind us," I said.

"I know, but I've been thinking about it. A lot. I almost lost you and I just... wanted to understand why. I know I hurt you and I know I hurt Zoey. I wanted to get to the bottom of why I did it, why it was so important to me. Why it mattered. Because even though it's over, you still deserve answers. You asked me how long I've liked you and I didn't want to answer because I thought you would get creeped out and think I was some freak. And... maybe I am. Maybe there is something wrong with me. but the truth is, I've had a crush on you since I first saw you. You're pretty and funny, and just so amazing. And I... I wanted to be all those things too. For you."

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