Chapter 4: Warheads

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My whole day was ruined. All I could think about was that even after we kissed Zoey still wanted Hillary. Even though she's known me longer, even though we are best friends, even though I've always been there for her no matter what. She still wanted Hillary King, and not me.

I've never actually had my body cut open and all my guts ripped out but I imagine it would feel a little like what I was feeling right then. I had such a sour taste in my mouth that I wanted to wash it out. To spit the taste out and try again with something sweeter.

I don't even know why I was making such a big deal of it. I mean Wes had a point. Zoey could like whoever the hell she wanted to like. I didn't have some claim over her and until then I didn't even know I liked her like that. I mean I had all this time to show her I was interested in her but I didn't. So, it's not really anyone's fault but my own.

That didn't stop me from trying to blame Hilary.

I mean it just wasn't fair. What did perfect Hilary have that I didn't have? Just then I was brought back to all her crowning achievements and I cringed because turns out there is a lot about her that I don't have. She's just perfect, which is really annoying.

"Any reason why you are aggressively stabbing your pizza?" Wes asked at lunch.

I glared at him.

"I saw you talking to Zoey this morning, so I'm guessing things didn't go well?"

I glanced over to Zoey who was once again sitting next to Hilary and all the popular kids. He followed my line of sight.

"Poppy, just tell her how you feel."

"Yeah, no. She has a crush on Hilary, she told me so! Perfect," I stabbed my pizza, "little," I stabbed harder, "Hilary!"

My plastic fork broke.

He sighed.

"Well, what did you say to her this morning?"

"I said I was sorry for being stupid. And we kissed."

"Wait rewind, you kissed!?"

"Yeah. We did, it was... nice..." I smiled at the memory.

"Poppy! That's great."

"No, not great because right after she was all like you can help me get in practice so I can wow Hilary. To which I felt my heart shrink three sizes."

"Oh, ouch. You must suck at kissing."

"Not helping!" I snap at him.

"Maybe you should just let it go. There are other girls in the sea."

"I don't even know if I like girls. This is all so weird okay. I mean I am barely coming to terms that I may sort of like Zoey as more than a friend. I just, I don't know. Maybe I'm destined to be alone forever." I pouted.

"Cheer up. Look no one said you had to have it all figured out. Take it slow. You don't have to rush into anything just because Zoey likes Hilary. For all you know they could be a bad match and the relationship could only last a day. Heck, maybe Hilary is straight and or likes someone else."

"Yeah... I guess you're right. You've given me an idea."

"I don't like where this is going." He frowned.

"No, listen. If I could find out if Hilary likes someone else, or better yet get her to fall for someone else then Zoey would have no choice but to move on."

"Poppy," he sighed.

"It's brilliant! I bet I could hook her up with Alvin from work, you know she was asking all sorts of wired questions about him. I bet she thinks he's cute. The guy is single and was totally flirting with her. I could set it up!"

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