Chapter 13 - Updated

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Leo's P.O.V

The drive home was so so awkward. Not did my "affair" not last long as most of them do, but now my mistress was pregnant.

"You sure you don't wanna talk" I ask her placing a hand on her knee.

"Yeah,  I ... Never mind" she says taking my wrist and dropping it on my lap " don't touch me either , can't believe you"

"Look I'm sorry , I didn't know what I was doing ok, I wasn't lonely or nothing just happened." I say looking at her then the road.

"Ok" she says looking out the window


Irene's P.O.V

I walked into my job early this morning. After only fixing breakfast and clothes for my children. As I opened the shop since it was still early I went straight to my office upstairs and did some cutting. The first person off my list today to fire at the end of the month, Michelle. Not only is her number off my phone but she's also fired.

"Uh hey can I talk to you real quick" the she devil said as waking in.

"Sure what do you want"

"I wanted to apologize ...... to you of course but there's also something I have to say." She says fiddling with her fingers

"Go on my day is wasting and honestly seeing your face is really upsetting I really want to knock you out right now so do hurry up before I actually do it"

"On um well first that's against the law if you do because I'm pregnant" she says looking up smiling

"Good for you, you finally are answering... wait the child belongs to " I question her

"Yup our kids are going up be like cousins but also siblings" she says coming over to hug me

"Get of you nasty s.o.b hands off me, you're always finding ways to bring me down and you know what now, you're fired" I say storming out of the shop and straight to Leo's job.


Leo's P.O.V

"Wait" I hear my secretary yell before my wife Irene came storming in. Why the hell is she mad she wasn't the one who woke up with nothing to eat and wrinkled clothing.

"What's wrong" I ask her as 'smoke' came from her ears and nose if you get the joke.

"Don't play that s*hit with me" she says pointing her finger in my face," how dare you not only did you sleep with Michelle but you got her pregnant I mean was I not giving out a lot or was that she's more pretty huh" she says sitting down and breaking down.

"It was never that Rene I mean you were great but come one you were stressed a lot and with your store becoming  worldwide I don't know she was there"

"Bull all you say is bull, I only met with the guy once and the next day I got my answer so tell me really what's the reason."

"I don't know she came and I followed" I said truthfully. I said looking her in the eyes. But only to be pushed away and the door closing softly. I think I just ruined my marriage.

Should Irene forgive Leo?

Torn Apart or Connected (BWWM) #Wattys2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن