we travel to where magnus is and stand outside,alec puts me down and grabs my hand as we walk into what seems like an abandoned werhouse.

"Magnus' lair is right behind that fence."jace says poitning to a metal fence at the back.

"magnus lives in a warehouse?"i ask confused lookinga round.

"Not exactly. Warlock glamour. "jace explains,.

"Something's wrong. It's far too easy to get this close."izzy says looking around confused. 

"His protective wards must be down."jace says looking around.

"You..."alec says grabbing my chin making me look at him."stay by me." he says sternly making me nod."and you..."he says making clarly turn and look at him. "Don't get in the way. " he says making her roll her eyes.

 we hear grunting so we all look up we see a man stab another threw the back making me jump as alec grabs my hand and pulle me with him as the other go the other way.

he help me up and over some boxes before we rush into a room and see magnus fighting a circle member.

alec pushes me behind him as he readys his bow and shoots an arrow into his leg.magnus throws a magical blast at the guy killing him making me frown

"well done"alec says

"wow." i mutter,

magnus nods and turns around smiles at me and alec.

"im magnus..." he says smriking."its great to see you again gracie" he says smriking at me making em hide behind alec. alec chuckles and wraps an arm around me."i dont think we've been formally introduced."magnus says looking at alec.

"alec" he says grinning at magnus making me smile between them.

they look at each other as i look up at them before i giggle being them back to reality.

""oh...uh...we should really....we you...probably get..." alec stutters grabbing my hand and gestering over his shoulder.

"right we should join the party."magnus says smirking.

"i dont like parties." i say pouting. he looks at me and frowns.

"why not."he asks confused.

"there loud." i tell him nodding.

"then think of it as a silent party" he says making em giggle.

alec pulls my hand as we rush down a corridoor magnus next to me.

we rush into another room seeing izzy and jace in there. i look around but dont see my sister.

alec sits me on the sofa and sits next to me as he cleans off some of his arrows.

"magnus."clarys says walking in a kid with her. magnus looks up from his place on the sofa next to me and gets up walking over to them,

"go join the others....this is no place for a child." he says guiding her to the back room in which all the warlocks are joining in.magnus  turns back to clary i listen in wanting to know what he says to my sister," i know what you did for zoe..You risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child."magnus says looking at clary confused.

"she was just a girl..and she was in trouble."clary she shrugging her shoulders."i had no choice"she replies.

"you alway have a choice.....you and your sister yout not like the others clary fairchild." magnus says looking over his shoulder at me."Most Shadowhunters protect Downworlders out of sense of duty, but you saved young Zoe because of what was inside your heart." he explains to her making her sigh."your more like your mother than you'll ever know." he says looking at clary.

"magnus please...you cant hide from this battle."clary says as magnus goes to walk away," with valentie. he found you once he can find you again."clary says annoyed."we need to work together....help me....help us."clary says looking at me.

im smiling at alec as he talks to me about how he cleans his arrows.

magnus looks at us so intregued that he agrees to help.

"i can summon the demon, but you must make the demand.....but i have one request," he says looking at clary.

"yes?" she asks confused.

"gracie doesnt do it....theres somethings she has seen that she doesnt need to be reminded of." magnus speaks quietly.

"like what?" clary asks frowning confused at what magnus is saying.

"now i warn you...retreving your memories will not be easy." he says skipping over her questions.

"the lairs location has been compromised." he says stepping into the middle of the room. i look uo at him confused.hold tight everyone, we're about to move." he says making me frown.

alec grabs my hand knowing im gonna be scared.

the whole place starts to shift making me slightly worried but then it stops.

"Till the end of time"-malec x ocWhere stories live. Discover now