Ch. 13 - Void Sweet Void

Start from the beginning

Well, Chara spoke. Frisk signed.

They began to bombard him with words. Things along the lines of 'what are you doing here,' 'did you fall in too,' 'don't leave the house,' 'don't look outside,' and 'for star's sake, don't go outside.'

"Ooookey-dokki." Fresh said, trying to cut off the verbal onslaught. "Hol' up a bit dawgs."

He pinched his nasal bridge.

Didn't these two and their world, like, die? How the funk were they here!? He had literally felt the AU crumble.

And what was that strong magic coating them? Maybe that was why they were alive - which is great - don't get him wrong - he's just a little shocked.

But for some reason the magic was familiar to him and in some way ... it set him on edge.

"Kay." Fresh started answering questions. "Brosephs, one, this is muh crib. I live here."

They were both stunned into silence, finally (though Frisk was technically already silent).

"Two, I do know what's outside and that it's no good for peeps like yous. Three, what are you brosephs doing here and- what happened to my furbies!?"

Fresh just noticed a few wrecked in the corner. Ooh, he was angry.

Chara and Frisk exchanged guilty looks, before harshly looking from each other.

"Well, after Frisk fell they took our Determination and now they won't share anymore."

*I did not! You took it! Murderer! You just don't want to Reset! How else are you in a body?

"Murderer? Me!? I only ever finish what you start." Their eyes became hollow chasms and their smile dripped with black tar. "Take a look in the mirror, you genocidal-!"

Fresh sent a wave of blue bones at the two and they froze to let the attack pass by harmlessly, harshly cutting off the arguing.

"I'm sensing some unrad tension between you two." Fresh states.

They continued to glare at each other, Chara smirking no longer using their creepy face as if to egg Frisk on.

Fresh looked over the damage around his house again. It was ... a lot.

Jeeze. What a toxic pair.

Oh, right. That was another part of his job, wasn't it?

"Kay, well, I don't really give a flyin' flip which one of you is the genocidal maniac or if it was neither of you."

He gave an open armed shrug, though they kinda looked confused at the 'or neither' bit. Huh.

Fresh sighed.

"Let's all take a chill pill and talk this out like adults. Sides, kiddo-bro's." He lowered his shades. "You still haven't got to the part 'bout how your here when everyone else ain't, bros."

Then there came his next surprise.

There was a knock at the door.

In the Void.

Fresh facepalmed.

"Do you think it's-?" Chara started and Frisk nodded vigorously as they hurried and tried to move the couch away from the door.

It fell over with a thud at their joint effort. It probably would have taken them both to prop it up in the first place.

But before the two could open it, Fresh pulled them away by the collar of their shirts, shaking his head and tsking at them.

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