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Friday 19.12.2016

"Finally," Jin exclaims as he practically throws himself on his beloved couch. Namjoon lifts his boyfriend's legs up so he can sit down, Jin's legs now resting on his lap.
"Yay," Yoongi says sarcastically before disappearing into his bedroom to work on some music.
"Our projects may be over, but we still have midterms coming up after Christmas," Jungkook informs as he sits down on Jin's armchair with Taehyung on the ground, practically between his legs.
"Don't ruin the mood you punk," Jin groans, throwing a small pillow at him, but Jungkook manages to grab it, showing his bunny teeth.
"Where's Hobi Hyung," Taehyung asks when he notices the lack of sunshine in the room. "He wanted to practice a little longer, but he'll be here for dinner," Namjoon responds before asking about Jimin, "He had some president business to take care of, it shouldn't take him too long," Jungkook answers and the sound of a growl gets their attention, making them look at the source of the sound, aka Taehyung.
"I guess I should start making dinner," Jin speaks up before he gets up, making his way towards Yoongi's room, knocking at the door, "Can you give me a hand so we can eat sooner?" he adds and Yoongi pauses the track, "I need to finish this," he informs, "Give me five minutes," he adds before returning to work.
"Ten minutes it is," Jin mumbles sarcastically as he makes his way to the kitchen, the two youngest laughing at their banter.
Jimin walks into Jin's apartment and makes a beeline to the living room where his brothers are laughing about something. He feels dazed, dazed enough that he didn't bother to take off his shoes.
Jungkook is the first to notice that something's off as he looks up at the older, "What's wrong?" he asks, getting the two others' attention as they look up to see Jimin's pale complexion, their smiles dropping immediately. The three of them get up, practically crowding around him.
"What happened, Chim?" Taehyung asks, leaning down a little to look the boy in the eyes, and the boy shudders, "I just saw my dad," he mumbles, his eyes looking into nothingness, his hands shaking. Jin and Yoongi, who were making dinner, walk out to see what's going on.
"Are you sure it was him?" Namjoon asks and the younger can't do anything but nod his head. "That's not possible," Taehyung mumbles in disbelief, "He still has at least three years left of his sentence," he informs and Jimin looks up at him with watery eyes, "It was him," he exclaims as he starts hyperventilating, "There's no way I wouldn't recognize him," he says, his breathing becoming haggard, "He's going to come after me," he stutters, panic clear as day in his voice.
Yoongi takes hold of Jimin, pulling him into a tight hug, "He's not going to hurt you again," he says, "We won't let him," he adds, "You don't know that," Jimin exclaims with tears rolling down his cheeks.
"D-did he see you?" Jungkook stutters, a little taken aback by seeing Jimin cry considering it's the first time he's seeing it.
"I don't know," Jimin hiccups, holding onto his Hyung for dear life. That makes Taehyung a little hopeful, "If he didn't see you, you don't have to worry," he says. "And even if he did, it's been over seven years, I doubt he would recognize you," he adds and Jimin pulls away from the hug, "I'm his son, he'll definitely recognize me," he points out, Yoongi's hand still lingering on his wrist to keep him calm.
"Show us where you saw him," Jungkook speaks up, taking hold of his Hyung's hand. Jimin wipes the tears away with a nod, guiding the younger out of the door.
Jin stays behind to make dinner while the others follow Jimin outside. He would've gone with them, but he decided to stay in case Hoseok gets here before the boys return.

"The meeting finished a little early so I came here to buy everyone some pastries for dessert, but as I was about to walk in, my dad walked out," Jimin explains as the boys stop at a bakery about a block away from the University, "I looked down at my phone, pretending to be texting so I didn't make eye contact with him as he walked past me," he adds.
"Where did he go?" Jungkook asks, holding loosely onto the older's hand, "Somewhere down that road," the shorter responds as he points towards their left in the direction of the University campus.
"As long as he didn't see your face, it's fine, right?" Namjoon speaks up, "I mean, you look different from back then and the fact that your hair is dyed pink is a plus, I think," he adds. "Maybe," Jimin says, "I just don't like the fact that my father is roaming around town as if nothing happened." he points out, another shudder making its way down his body, Jungkook's grip tightening a little.
"As Yoongi-Hyung said," Taehyung speaks up, taking hold of his friend's hand, "We won't let him hurt you again," he promises as the group makes their way back.
Yoongi who's walking next to Namjoon, a few feet behind the other three, looks up at him, "Why do you think they would let Park Seung-ho out of prison early?" he questions "He was thrown in there for assault and attempted murder, right?" he adds, "I don't know," the younger responds, "Maybe he escaped or bought his way out," he suggests.
"He doesn't have the money to buy himself out," Jimin informs, "We weren't the richest people, remember," he half-questions and Namjoon defends himself, saying it was just a suggestion, "I just don't want to believe they would let someone like him walk freely," he informs.
"Does your dad even know that you're alive?" Jungkook asks, sticking close to the boy and the ladder stops in his tracks to think, "Does he know?" he asks, looking up at the other three.
"I don't remember," Taehyung says after thinking about it, "I don't either," Namjoon informs, "Maybe he was told during his court hearing, considering he was charged for attempted murder," Yoongi suggests, "Was it really for 'attempted' murder?" Jimin asks, now unsure about things. "I wasn't there, so I'm not sure," Yoongi says "You should ask Jin, considering his mother worked the case, maybe he knows," he suggests and Namjoon spots Hoseok, calling him.
Hoseok turns his head upon hearing his name before jogging over to the group, "What are you guys doing here?" he asks, a little confused, "I thought we were having dinner at Jin's tonight," he adds and Taehyung proceeds to explain the situation to which Hoseok's face drops, "I think I saw him too," he speaks up with a small frown, "I wasn't sure at first, but now that you said he's roaming around ... it might have really been him," he adds and Jimin slightly leans onto Jungkook as a shudder makes its way down his body. The younger boy notices and rubs his Hyung's arm in comfort.

"My mom allowed me to go to the courtroom as an audience and I remember her presenting pictures of your condition and your medical records as evidence." Jin speaks up once they're done with dinner, "The records alone were enough to put him in prison for assault, but due to the incident, the sentence was raised to attempted murder," he informs, "I'm guessing he knows that Jimin survived," Namjoon speaks up and the older nods his head.
"When Seung-ho was sentenced, Jimin was still in a coma and no one knew if you were going to wake up. If you passed away, his sentence would've been raised to murder," he points out.
Jimin lets out a sigh, "Great," he grumbles as he lies down on the ground, throwing an arm over his eyes while Jungkook loosely holds onto Jimin's free hand and Taehyung lies down next to his friend, wrapping an arm around the boy's waist in an attempt to cuddle.
Jimin removes his arm from his eyes so Taehyung can get comfortable.
While Namjoon and Jin go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, Yoongi gets up and walks over to his younger brothers, "Jiminie," he calls and the boy opens his eyes to look at him. "I want you to try not to think about it," he says, "I don't want this to trigger anything," he points out, and the boy nods.
"Let's go back home," Taehyung mumbles as he sits up before pulling Jimin onto his feet.
The three boys say their goodbyes to their Hyungs before returning to their apartment.
Taehyung walks into the living room without uttering a word.
"Tae, talk to me," Jimin calls and the boy stops walking, "I don't want you to worry about me right now," Taehyung speaks up, "We should keep our thoughts away from him," he informs.
"You're thinking about that day, aren't you?" Jimin says, knowing his friend well enough to be able to pretty much read his mind. "Yes I am," Taehyung admits, "But please, let's not keep thinking about it," he pleads, "You should listen to Yoongi, this is for your own good," he suggests.
"If I'm supposed to stop thinking about my father, you should stop thinking about how you found me," Jimin practically demands and the younger nods his head.
Jungkook knows them well enough at this point to tell they're lying to themselves so he takes a hold of both their hands, pulling them into a group hug, catching the two off guard. "We'll get through this together, okay," the boy says softly and the other two hug him back with Jimin nuzzling into Jungkook's neck, trying not to cry.

Sometime that night, the three boys are huddled up together on the couch watching a movie to distract themselves, but the youngest is deep in thought.
"Jimin-ssi," he speaks up quietly and the boy who's cuddled up to him, hums to signal that he's listening, "What if your blackouts are some kind of defense mechanism or something?" he half-questions, and the older looks up at him, asking what he means.
"From what I've heard, your blackouts were triggered after something painful happened to you," Jungkook starts, "The baseball bat to the head, your brother's accident and so on," he points out, and Taehyung perks up, "So you're saying that his amnesia is protecting him from bad memories?" he asks, "Pretty much, yeah," the younger responds.
"Wouldn't that mean I have DID or PTSD?" Jimin questions and the younger boy shrugs.
"Well ... you did have nightmares when memories of the incident came back and you avoided anything that had to do with baseball because it gave you flashbacks," Taehyung says as he looks at the older.
"Wouldn't the doctor have said anything if it truly was PTSD?" Jimin questions, 'that's true,' leaving Taehyung's lips.
"This is just a theory," Jungkook cuts in, "I'm not assuming anything," he adds.
"What if I saw my dad the day Ggukie found me?" Jimin half-question, endless possibilities running through his head. "Possible, but you say him today and nothing happened," Taehyung agrees, "Yet," the elder cuts in.

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