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Wednesday 6.11.2016

In the middle of a Graphic Design class, Taehyung notices that Jungkook is pouting with his head resting on his propped up arm, "What's wrong Gguk?" he asks in slight concern, "Is it just me or does Jimin-ssi look skinnier?" the boy half-whispers, "That's because he is," Yoongi responds and Jungkook looks up at him. "When he's busy he tends not to eat right," Yoongi elaborates, "We don't eat properly either, but his body reacts differently to it," Taehyung adds after nodding in agreement. "Last year he lost about 8kg after two weeks of studying for his finals," Yoogi informs, and Jungkook's jaw drops, "8kg in two weeks?" he exclaims.
"You don't need to worry about it, he gains it all back in the end and there was never a point where he had to go to the hospital because of it," Taehyung reassures him, "Even so, 8kg in two weeks is a lot, especially for someone who's already skinny to begin with," Jungkook points out, "Well, it's not like he can do anything about it, that's just how his body works, he can't change that," Yoongi argues, "I'll try to cook him some proper food, considering he hasn't been able to do it lately," Jungkook suggests and Taehyung perks up, "I'll try to help," he says excitedly.

Jimin walks into the dorm with a yawn, bending down to take off his shoes. Taehyung practically jumps on him, "Ggukie and I have a surprise for you," he informs with his boxy smile while Jimin looks up at him with a raised eyebrow, "What kind of surprise?" he asks, "My birthday was last month," he adds and the younger simply chuckles before pulling him towards the living room. Jimin's eyes widen at the table filled with rice and a variety of side dishes, "What's the occasion?" he asks, looking at his Dongsaengs, "It's not really an occasion," Jungkook says with a shrug, "I just wanted to cook you something because you've been busy with your president business and classes and since you're usually our cook, I thought I should relieve you of that burden," he adds, fidgeting with his fingers.
"That's really thoughtful of you two," Jimin says, feeling touched, "But cooking for you isn't a burden, okay," he adds, patting the younger boy on the head, the ladder nodding his head reluctantly.
Taehyung claps his hands together, getting their attention, "Let's dig in," he speaks up and the other two nod their heads, sitting down to eat their dinner.

"That was delicious," Jimin exclaims, patting his stomach, "You know you can tell us the truth, right," Jungkook mumbles not believing him since he's not really confident with his cooking. "I am," Jimin exclaims again, "The food was great," he adds. "This was mostly Ggukie's doing, I barely did anything," Taehyung informs, "Like I said, it tasted really good, you guys did a great job," Jimin insists, getting up to gather the dishes. "We'll do it," Jungkook blurts out, stopping him and Jimin looks between the two, noticing their weird behavior, "What's this really about?" he asks, crossing his arms and the two younger boys share a look before turning back to the older. "We want you to rest," the youngest informs, "You've been really stressed out lately, I was just worried," he adds and Jimin frowns slightly, turning his head towards Taehyung, "Taehyungie, what did you tell him?" he asks and the ladder isn't even surprised about his best friend's intuition, "I might have told him about your weight issue," he responds and the older man lets out a sigh.
"Jimin-ssi, don't be mad at Tae, I was the one who asked and Yoongi-Hyung was the one who answered. Tae just elaborated," Jungkook blurts out, trying to defend Taehyung.
Jimin turns his body towards Jungkook, putting his hands on each side of the boys face, "You shouldn't worry too much, okay," he says, "I'm still healthy, all things considered," he adds, "You just look really tiny Hyung and I felt like something might happen if I didn't do anything," Jungkook protests and Jimin lets go off his face with a smile, "I figured it could be that, but as I said, don't worry to much," he says and Jungkook reluctantly nods. "And besides," Jimin continues as he starts picking up the plates, "Tae has known me my whole life and I'm sure he told you that this is normal and that you shouldn't worry about it," he points out and Jungkook nods, carrying the plates Jimin was holding into the kitchen, "Tae and Yoongi said that it's just how your body works and that you'd gain it back in the end," he responds.
"See, no need to worry at all," the older of the two exclaims, "Okay, but I still want you to rest as much as you can, and not overwork yourself, please," Jungkook says, looking at the older with pleading bunny eyes and Jimin chuckles, finally giving in as he pats the boys' head one last time before retreating to the couch.
"Jiminie must really like you Gguk," Taehyung whispers and Jungkook looks at him in surprise, "What do you mean?" he whispers back, trying not to blush, "He listens to you and he does what you tell him to," the older responds, still whispering, "Doesn't he listen to you as well? You've been friends forever," the younger questions, receiving a shake of the head from the other, "I've been asking him to take care of himself for years, but he never listens. I think Yoongi-Hyung and maybe Jin-Hyung are the only people he listens to, apart from you," he explains, "But you've only been with us a little over two months, so it's different from Yoongi who's been with us for eight years if that makes sense," he adds.
"I don't know the reason either," Jungkook says with a shrug, "And if he likes me, then probably as a little brother or something," he adds and Taehyung perks up, "You were born in 97 right?" he questions and Jungkook nods, "September first," he adds and the older zoons out, 'That's why' leaving his lips unconsciously, "What did you say?" Jungkook questions and Taehyung snaps out of it, "It's nothing," he responds, "I just remembered something," he informs, his glance wandering over to Jimin who has his feet propped up on the coffee table.
Jungkook notices the older boy contemplating something in his head before shaking it off and returning to the dirty dishes. His behavior seems weird to the youngest, but he doesn't question it.

While Taehyung disappears into his bedroom, Jungkook sits next to Jimin on the couch with a small frown etched on his features. Jimin notices it almost instantly, "What's wrong?" he asks, concern clear on his face.
"I think I might have upset Tae somehow," the younger boy responds, still confused, "What do you mean?" the older asks. "We were talking while doing the dishes and he said something about you liking me and I responded by saying you only like me as a little brother or something," Jungkook tries to explain and Jimin feels his cheeks heating up, "He then asked me if I was born in 97. I nodded in confirmation and after that, he started acting weird. He mumbled something like 'that's why' and when I brought it up, he said he remembered something and looked over here before doing the dishes," he adds, "When we were finished, he left and it looked like he was on the verge of crying," he finishes.
Jimin puts two and two together and lets out a sigh, "You didn't upset him," he says softly as he gets up, "He upset himself," he adds with a sad smile before walking towards Taehyung's room with Jungkook looking at him from the couch, confused about what Jimin said.
"Come in," Taehyung says when he hears Jimin's soft voice call his name and he wipes his face when the boy walks into the room. Jimin shuts the door behind him and sits next to Taehyung on the bed while the younger sits up with a pout.
"Is this about last year?" Jimin asks, softly wiping the boy's tears with his sleeves, and the younger nods his head. "I don't know what happened *sniff* it all just came back to me *sniff* and I was thinking about telling you earlier, but I didn't want you to remember it too," Taehyung informs and Jimin feels a pang in his chest, but smiles at him sympathetically, "You know you can always tell me," he says, cupping the other boy's cheeks, "No matter how much you think it might hurt me, okay?" he adds and Taehyung nods, "I know," he says with quivering lips, "I was just scared your symptoms might kick in again," he adds, "I don't want to lose you too," he mumbles before bursting into tears again.
Jimin pulls the crying boy into a hug, "I won't go anywhere, I promise," he swears, kissing the boy's head comfortingly.

Jungkook, who is still on the couch, perks up when he hears the door and turns his head to see Jimin. The older boy shoots him a small smile, before sitting next to him. "Is he okay?" the boy questions and Jimin nods, "He fell asleep," he responds, "It wasn't your fault," he adds, looking at him. Jungkook nods his head accepting it, but he's still curious about it, "Why was he upset then?" he asks, not being able to help himself.
Jimin lets out a sigh and leans his head on the boy's shoulder in order to avoid eye contact, "Because of my brother," he speaks up, "Tae and my brother Ji-Hyun dated for three years before he passed away last year around summer," he explains, "I'm sorry for your loss Jimin-ssi," Jungkook says softly, trying to mask the shock.
"It's fine Ggukie," Jimin reassures him, trying not to cry, "We both moved on and we don't think about it a lot anymore *sniff* I think your conversation with him earlier might have triggered his memories," he informs.
"Was Ji-Hyun born in 97?" Jungkook asks and Jimin nods his head, wiping his eyes before any tears can escape, "He was barely eighteen when it happened," he responds. Jungkook wraps an arm around his shoulder, "You don't have to tell me about it," the boy says "I don't want you to be upset," he adds, but Jimin simply waves it off, "You'll find out sooner or later anyway, so it's fine." he informs, "I won't go into the details, but it was a car accident. The driver died on impact while my brother managed to survive, but he died not long after due to a head injury the doctor didn't catch on time," he explains, letting out a bitter laugh, "They tried so hard to keep him alive that they didn't notice the issue that ended up killing him in the end," he finishes and Jungkook rubs his arm in comfort.
"Sorry about that," Jimin mumbles, "I guess it got to me for a second," he adds. "You shouldn't apologize for something like that. He was your brother, of course, you'd be pissed at them for not saving him," Jungkook points out, "I know," Jimin mumbles with a sigh before burying his head into the younger's neck, throwing an arm over the boy's waist to cuddle and Jungkook doesn't complain, he just lets the boy cuddle him because he probably needs that right now.

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