Part Ten

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The walk with Muzan wasn't terrible but I couldn't stop thinking about everything I've learned, I really want to ask him if its true but there has to be a reason as to why he doesn't want me knowing who he is. And If I did ask him he might wanna know how I know, and from the looks of it, both Daki and Douma would be in deep shit if I said I heard it from them. So if I do ask him its best to say I just figured it out.

"You're very quiet tonight," Muzan said looking down at me.

"Heh, sorry. Just a busy night, I'm awfully tired," ... I mean.. I didn't lie. Muzan just hummed in response and looked ahead of him again, but I.. I just kept looking up at him. He really did have gorgeous features, his soft pale skin, plum red eyes and jet black hair. I seemed to have kept my glance a bit to long though, because he turned his head to look at me once again. We barely made eye contact before I jolted my head back to look in front of me, and an evident blush on my face.

'UGH! The hells wrong with me!?!' I thought to myself.

Thankfully, Muzan didn't say anything about this and looked straight ahead once again.


The walk was quiet but not an awkward quiet, it was actually really peaceful. All the bugs around us made a nice soft chirping sound and there were owls hooting every know and then from the trees surrounding us.

We finally reached my house, I honestly didn't know what to do so,

"Would you like to come in?" I ask him.

"No, I have a few things to deal with but I do have a question to ask,"

~Hee Hee mans POV~

"Would you like to come with me to the flower festival?" I asked. I'm honestly surprised with myself, I thought about inviting her when we were at the fair but I didn't think I would actually ask her. I go to festivals like this every now and then to look for the blue spider lily, I know there's no point considering I've been looking for it for a thousand years, but it doesn't hurt to go to them every now and then and this time.. I have someone to go with me. Her company is.. is just different, shes such a different kind of human.. shes almost.. perfect.

"Of course," she said with a smile, stopping my thoughts.

"Good, I will come back tomorrow night," I said plainly.

"Okay, I look forward to it," She smiled once more.

Her smile looks so innocent but from what I witnessed tonight, she's no Angel.

I gave her one small nod before turning around and walking away.


~Y/n POV~

I let a big sigh escape me once I shut the door. I was exhausted, this whole night was very eventful. First me and Daki mess around with a bunch of nobodies to finding out (f/n) is actually Muzan Kibutsuji.. the first demon. The demon I've been researching ever since the day my parents were murdered... good riddance. I hated them-

Ugh! I just need some sleep.

I sluggishly walked to my room and instantly plopped on my bed. Almost instantly falling asleep.


A large yawn escaped me once I woke up, I seemed to have slept the day away cuz the sun was already setting...

"Shit! He'll be here soon!" I shot up from my bed going to look for an outfit to wear to the flower festival. I decided to go with a floral kind of look.

After getting dressed I went to go do my hair, I just decided to put it in a messy bun. I seemed to have finished my hair right on time because as soon as I finished there was a knock on the door.

Quickly answering the door I smiled.
"Hey (f/n),"

"Hello Y/n, are you ready?" He asked extending his arm for me hold.
Linking arms with him we started to walk. Something I wasn't expecting though was for him to quickly grab under my legs and carry me bridal style.

"This will be easier, since the festival we will be going to is a long ways away," he simply stated the corners of his mouth slowly turning into a smirk due to my flustered state.
"O-okay," I responded, wrapping my arms around his neck for a better hold, knowing full well we are about to be traveling fast. As soon as I held onto him he started to move. The chilly night air hitting my face as we sped through forests and a small town.

It only took a good minute for us to reach our destination, once we did Muzan set me down on my feet gently, as he let go his hand slid down my back resting on my lower back guiding me forward as we started to walk towards the brightly lit streets of a town I can only assume to be holding the festival.

"This festival has been held here for a long time, i would say a good 152years it's been celebrated here," Muzan said while we slowly made our way past the entrance.

"Wow! Really!? It must be very popular then," I replied already eager to see all the different arrays of flowers I will see.

"It's just tradition at this point," he said looking down at me a small smile showing on his face.
I smiled back before turning to see a large table with all sorts of colored flowers decorating it.

My eyes instantly lit up.
"There are so many flowers I've never even seen before!" I looked in amazement. Some people would say the way I'm acting is stupid but I've never really been to things like this.

I continued to look at the different colored and shaped flowers. Some had very long vines, others had oddly shaped petals, others had thorns while some didn't. All the colors varied.

Muzan never really said much, every time I would turn to look at him I would often see him looking right back at me. He seemed to enjoy how much fun I was having, I only wish he would seem as surprised with all the flowers like me. But then again he's a demon, he's been around for a long time and has most likely seen these flowers hundreds maybe even thousands of times.

We continued to walk around and look. Something that stood out to me though was one stand. A stand with red spider lilies. Which I found odd, not a single other stand had spider lilies except this one. Then again spider Lilies represent death, or final goodbyes to a person. And I'm pretty sure their poisonous...

"You send to really enjoy this festival," Muzan said.

"Mhm! It's my first time being to something like this, I never really do anything fun," I responded truthfully.

"Well I'm glad I was able to take you," he smiled. This smile was different, it seemed genuine unlike most his smiles which seemed forced or unnatural. Muzan just doesn't seem to smile much.


Muzan and I walked for awhile longer but we seemed to have spent to much time there because we started to notice the sun rising.

"Shit! We needa find somewhere quick or your gonna have one hellava sun burn," i turned to him.

"We can just take shelter in some randos house of needed," I added.

Muzan just nodded in response and started to head towards a small home closer to the edge of the village. I simply followed knowing full well we are most likely about to kill someone.

Thank you for reading! Sorry for any mistakes made in the story!

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